I am a Work in Progress

(Back story) I studied Bachelor of Fine Arts Majoring in Advertising when I was in the Philippines. I became a Graphic Designer right after school. Then my husband and I came here to Australia in 1991 together with my one year old son. And since then I haven’t touched my artistic side until when I…

Sunday walk under the blue skies

A leisurely walk at our local Wilson Botanic Gardens. The sun’s so beautiful today that I had to share this with all of you. Inspired by Hammad’s Weekend Sky But first coffee with some friendly people and pets. I thought I would not be able to post any walk for Jo’s Monday Walk but fortunately…

My Melbourne weekend

Saturday, I and hubby decided to go to the city just because… We started off at about 4 pm and saw this magnificent autumn colours and the weekend sky. Inspired by Hammad’s Weekend Sky Challenge I wanted to go and see the Temple of Boom at the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria). We got there…

Cloudscapes and Skyscapes

“Clouds in the sky very much resembles the thoughts in our minds! Both changes perpetually from one second to another.” – Mehmet Murat ildan I am a fluffy cloud kind of person. they’re so pretty and so I basically take a photo of it every time I see it. Here are clouds taken from nearby…

A walk in Abbotsford Convent

After having a hearty lunch for Mother’s Day, fam and I went to the Abbotsford Convent to spend the rest of the day walking and talking about what has gone by during the past weeks that we didn’t see each other. With lush gardens, the Abbotsford Convent is a slice of the country, an art…

A Moody Walk

When I first saw the theme of the challenge for this week, I was confused as to what direction I was going to take. There were so many different ways of tackling the subject. But it was a Sunday and my hubby and I decided to go for a weekend walk to relax. So there…

Autumn in Emerald Lake

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”-ALBERT CAMUS Autumn … how lovely it is to sit under its lovely coloured foliage … from yellow to orange to red to maroon to amber and brown. I am sharing with you some lovely scenes of autumn in my part of the world. For…

I am a city girl

Most of you know that I come from the Philippines, but a lot of you may not know that in the Philippines I lived in Makati, the financial hub … the Skyscrapers capital … the shopping destination … and I love it. I worked there for 10 years with my office on the top floor….

Glowing Moments in Budapest

When I saw the prompt, my trip to Budapest immediately came to mind. I have posted this before on my other blog…but hey, no harm in posting this again. On 2018, hubby and I went to Budapest and there we went on a night cruise. The architectural and historical buildings sparkle on the banks of…

Santorini of the North

(Road Trip part 1) TRAVEL DIARY: SANTIAGO 1 I haven’t been to Greece so when my sister and nephew suggested that we go for a few days in this place said to be the Santorini of the North, then I didn’t hesitate on agreeing to go. This is quite a new experience for all of…

Spring …

“Every flower bloomsin its own time.”-Ken Petti Melbourne is just emerging from a hot summer going into autumn so it is still hard to think of Spring during this time. But last year’s Spring was the best because my son was here that time…all good vibes except for the hay-fever season. Flowers blooming, weekends at…

The “road” I was forced to take

This week’s theme asks us to think about our favourite style of photography as the road (most often) taken. I love taking flower photography, travel photos, as well as photos of random objects and sceneries that I see along the way. This time however, I went on a trip back to my homeland the Philippines…

Peace amidst chaos

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.”-Deepak Chopra. Holidays are not just all noise and laughter and catching up with people… there can also be some down time. I was just in the Philippines a few days ago and in between the chaos, I found some time for myself. These…

Swan Hill

“A good photograph is knowing where to stand.” – Ansel Adams While I was looking for images in my gallery to post for some of my favourite images in 2022, I happened to chance on this album of my son’s trip to Swan Hill. So instead of posting my own images, I decided to put…

Dim Light can look Bright

“Even a dim light in dark look bright.” – KaurG Things have been quite busy on my side…. What with a 60th birthday of a friend, Zumba classes, swimming, pyrography, sketching…. So it is only now that I have looked through my library of photos. And this week Sofia leads our LAPC Low-light theme. Low light…


“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start getting excited about what could go right.” – Tony Robbins I was about to go for another post but it seems that my days are preoccupied with people going in and out of my backyard that I just decided on a specific change occurring right…

Travel has taught me…

“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher Thanks to Amy, I was brought back to the recent travels that I had, to the future travels that I am planning and even to the time that I never thought that I could travel….

Nothing wrong with doing simple things

“There’s nothing wrong with doing simple things.” – PCoelho Double dipping with challenges is not a new thing for me. In fact, I consider it as part of my personal challenges … combining as many challenges in one post. So, here I go with challenges dipped all together… Lens Artist Photo Challenge,, Photographing Public Art…


My brother in law, Honorio, took us to this wide expanse of land that was a golf course. There we had a bit of a stroll and had lunch, where we ordered these amazing cold drinks which was just right for the Philippine weather. Next, we parked our car near the highway and then we…

I Chose to Visit the City last Weekend…

“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” – Charles M. Schulz I have always loved the Christmas season especially when the kids were small and we all decorated the Christmas tree together. But now that they have their own individual worlds, hubby and I still have fun making our own special memories. We…


“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey For Filipinos, traditions with family are very important. We never miss to celebrate special occasions like birthdays, graduations, someone leaving for overseas, someone getting a new pet, kids getting an award in school, someone getting a…

One photo … one story

…because every picture tells a story… Can you remember that time that you were like a kid….getting so excited in doing something that you’ve never done before.. screaming like there’s no tomorrow… laughing so hard that it brought tears to your eyes… This week, Ann-Christine’s challenge is to post one photo and one story. So…

My bliss…

“If you want to be happy, be.” – Leo Tolstoy Who am I? What makes me happy? What brings joy to my days? So let me take you today to have a look at what is occupying my time nowadays. It may not be perfect but I am following my bliss so it surely does…

Interesting Architecture

“There are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature. Therefore, buildings must have no straight lines or sharp corners.” – Antoni Gaudi Talking of Interesting Architecture, let me start of with this architecture from the city centre of Melbourne. Unlike traditional public spaces, like Venice’s San Marco or New York’s Rockefeller Centre, Fed Square…

Last Sunday

“Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.” – author unknown Melbourne opened up last Friday at 6pm, from the longest Lockdown in any country of the world (correct me if I’m wrong). Melbourne retail celebrated as if it was New Year… dining, drinking, hairdressing, and media called it a Freedom weekend. One blogger…

Weird & Wonderful

“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” – Dr Seuss  Here are some clever and attractive and at the same time unusual and strange pieces of art. hope you…

Rediscovering Melbourne…

Melbourne, where I grew up, is one of the street art capitals of the world. Something about discovering freshly painted walls always fills me with optimism; its autonomous and democratic, and reminds me that maybe people are paying attention after all.”— Penelope Mitchell It was announced yesterday that Melbourne is opening up on Thursday. The…

Ordinary moments may be special…

“Joy comes to us in ordinary moments. We risk missing out when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary.” – Brene Brown The beauty of a curled up fern … or the texture of a snail’s shell… or some unexpected tiny growth in plants… Or the texture of a dead leaf… Or a sunburst…

They had better days

“We have seen better days.” – William Shakespeare For Tina’s Lens Artist Photo Challenge – Seen Better Days And lastly…awwwww this little man Henryk has had better days.

Autumn Downunder

“Autumn leaves shower like gold, like rainbows, as the winds of change begin to blow.”– Dan Millman It is spring where I am but it is so glorious to remember the past autumn when leaves were crackling with every step I made. “Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with…