Thursday Night time Doors

Went to dinner in Melbourne city and passed by these doors. Of course, it is for Dan’s Thursday door Challenge which I haven’t joined for a few weeks. Establishments with huge green double doors. Back doors or churches. Doors with graffiti seems a little bit shady especially at night time. But don’t be deceived…walking along…

Window and NY Streetart – 15

NEW YORK, USA Windows and Streetart which my son found in New York when he went there recently. Linked to Ludwig’s Monday Window

Lightscape in the Melbourne Botanic Gardens

It is that time of the year again… when the companies make a fortune promoting the chilly weather. They’re saying “C’mon lazy people get out and have fun”. So last Saturday that is what we did. Gave our precious $120 (for 3 people) of hard earned money to watch a winter light show at the…

Tuesday Eyes Streetart – 14

NEW YORK, USA More mural photos taken by my son, Tim, when he went to New York. Eyes are a central theme of these. Some funny and weird ones.

Gnome is where the heart is…

After a long while that I haven’t joined any challenges, here is my post linked to Debbie’s Six Word Saturday and Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge Some cute gnomes in a friend’s garden.