Benches and Chairs in Cloudehill

“I was just sitting here enjoying the company, plants got a lot to say, if you take the time to listen.” – Anonymous These are two of the sitting sculptures in Cloudehill Gardens by Graeme Foote. These are part of Graeme’s Australian women series featuring Christine Nixon (Australian Police Officer) on the left and Dame…

Doors and Arches in Cloudehill

“Never underestimate the healing power of a quiet moment in the garden.” – Anonymous At the top of the Dandenong Ranges is a maze of a garden, sculpture, archway and doors known as the Cloudehill Gardens. This is the signage in front and the entry door. This is for Dan’s Thursday Door Challenge Please click…

Focusing on Autumn Details

“Steer me to an autumn path to travel all alone. Fall leaves the finest company; rustling in my heart like home.” – Anonymous Yesterday was a gorgeous day for a stroll in Mount Dandenong. As the leaves were falling on the quiet path that I wash taking … the leaves of ochre, brown, red and…

Autumn In Budapest

“Autumn…you blush my heart that travels through my dreams year round.” – Angie Welland-Crosby A row of flaming red trees lined an empty, winding street in Castle Hill, Budapest. I had my winter boots on but that wasn’t enough to keep my feet warm. Thursday Tree Love – Autumn in Budapest

Bright Autumn Leaves

“AUTUMN is a second SPRING, when every LEAF is a FLOWER.” – Albert Camus Spring is a magical season… but it comes to us, the opposite of the rest of the world. While for Amy and to most of you, the flowers of spring are slowly bursting brightly …. the green leaves are now becoming…

Bright Trees in Warburton

“I’m like a tree. My leaves might change color, but my roots are the same.” – Rose Namajunas This photo was taken last weekend when my husband and I and four other friends went to a trout farm in Warburton, Victoria. Saw these tall, bright yellow trees in contrast with the blues of the sky…

Hidden Away in Mt Dandenong

“A change of scenery can help everything.” – Drew Pomeranz Victoria barely had about 4 months to recover from the effects of the pandemic and the whole of Australia is now promoting travelling in our own backyard. Yes, people are still anxious.  But this is the start of getting back bit by bit to normalcy…especially…

Plane Trees in London

“People don’t notice whether it’s WINTER or SUMMER when they’re HAPPY.” – Anton Chekhov It was almost winter, the end of November … and it was the last time I was in London. I saw a lot of trees with naked bare branches looking like this and I found it a bit funny and weird…

Nature on a Wall

“Make each day your masterpiece.” – John Wooden Sometimes you can just walk on this beauty on the side of the road. Monday Mural

From Fallen Leaves to Spider Webs

It is beautiful to discover some things up close that you won’t normally see… Please click photo to see the full image. CMMC – March Closeup or Macro

On the Road…

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – unknown Part 1 When you go with a tour group when travelling, you tend to be awake when the tour guide is explaining something about the place you are going to, you get excited to see the iconic places, you listen to the secrets that…

Trees in the Carlton Gardens

“From little seeds grow mighty trees.” – unknown The Carlton Gardens is a public garden near the middle of the city of Melbourne. There are large grass areas and amazing mix of European and Australian trees. The Carlton Gardens is a World Heritage Site located on the northeastern edge of the Central Business District in the suburb of Carlton, in Melbourne, Australia. A popular picnic…

Out in the Park

“All trees have bark. All dogs bark. Therefore, all dogs are trees.” – anonymous Is that really a saying or what? I only know that I love dogs and I love trees…so there you go! From Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – BARK

White Chairs in Somebody’s Wedding

“Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.” – unknown Went to the Carlton Gardens a few weeks ago and saw a wedding going on. Such a happy occassion…with pretty wooden white chairs! The Gardens is an oasis in the middle of the city and is a favourite venue for weddings. Pull Up a Seat…

“Me Day”

“Soft sand, rolling waves, and endless sunshine. What’s not to love?” – Selena Barrientos Yesterday, I posted some snow photos in London from my son, during one of his walks in the park near where he lives. Today, I have some summer photos from my daughter, Pat, when she went to Brighton Beach in Melbourne….

Under the Shade

“A man of calm is like a shady tree. People who need shelter come to it.” – Toba Beta This is a Weeping Mulberry and is very attractive with its glossy green foliage. The sweet mulberry fruit ripens from red to black around December. I saw this tree in Emerald Lake in Victoria and had…

Life in Yellow

“Yellow…the colour of Sunshine, hope and happiness.” – Iram Khan Here is my entry for Jude’s Life in Colour Challenge – Yellow Please click to enlarge image “How lovely yellow is! It stands for the sun.” – Vincent Van Gogh “The colour yellow makes me smile.” – unknown “Live life in warm yellows.” – unknown

The After is Better

“After was better. Before was only there so after could happen.: – unknown When taking photos, I strive to get it right the first, second or third time by adjusting the aperture and the shutter speed. But still, no matter how hard I try, the images often stuffs up. So in this challenge, I don’t…

Up the Fairfield Pipe Bridge

“When you cross a bridge, you take a break from this world!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan The Yarra River is a river in Victoria that flows through the city of Melbourne. Overhead is the rustic Fairfield Pipe Bridge, where you can see a bird’s eye view of the river… of people having a go on…

Looking Up …

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir Here are some of the different trees and texture of tree barks as well as leaves in Australia. CFFC Please click image to enlarge “If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and…