Window shopping in Edinburgh

Edinburgh offers more than just castles and historic sites—it’s also a place for diverse and vibrant shopping experiences. Here are some Scottish windows blending modern culture with rich history. Love the window reflection of the buildings from the opposite side. Want to do some window shopping with me?

Tuesday Streetart Urban Jungle – 46

CAMDEN, UK AeroArts, like many street artists, started by drawing letters on paper. In the early 1990s, he began transferring his sketches onto walls. This mural can be found in Camden and is a brightly coloured Urban Jungle.

Tuesday Streetart – 45

PORT CAMPBELL, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Happened to see this on the side of a shop in Port Campbell.


After a scenic 4.5-hour drive from Bristol, we reached York around 7 p.m. Hungry from the journey, we headed to Riverside Farm near our hotel for a delicious dinner of traditional English Roast with mash and gravy. It was the ideal way to unwind after our travels. After dinner, we were all exhausted, so we…

Bristol Drive-by shots of Double Doors

BRISTOL, UK As we strolled towards the streets adorned with vibrant street art (that’s what Bristol is known for), we couldn’t help but be captivated by the charming Bristol traditional terraced houses*. Each one boasted colourful double doors that added a unique touch to their character. *Thanks Sarah for letting me know that these are…

Camden Town

During the first leg of our holiday in Paris, Barcelona, and Portugal in October of 2023, we weren’t able to indulge in much shopping at the markets. Our luggage was already filled to the brim, leaving little room to bring back souvenirs or treasures from our travels. So first thing we did when we got…

A clown by the window – 5

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA The image of a clown can evoke varied reactions. While some find them amusing, others may feel uneasy. Personally, I’ve noticed a sense of unsettlement when encountering clowns, much like the discomfort I feel when I see eerily human-like antique dolls. How about you, what do you think? This is a clown…

Tuesday Streetart 2 Birds – 41

SPITAFIELDS, LONDON Tim sent me an image of this Streetart which is located in Spitafields. It is a joint work of Nush and Thisone. ThisOne is a street artist known for his paintings of the natural world usually doing his work in black and white. Nush Poke usually paints birds and is and artist based…

Tuesday Streetart 40 – Under Construction

The last time I visited Melbourne CBD, the roadside was undergoing construction, presumably for renewal, reconstruction, or extension. Surprisingly, instead of typical signage, it boasted charming street art featuring Australian animals. Adorable, isn’t it? I am linking this to Becky’s SquareRenew

Tuesday Streetart, Bronik in St Kilda – 39

ST KILDA, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Ever since I saw Bronik’s work in Barcelona, I was immediately captivated by them. Mainly because of its lively colours and by her use of the colour purple, which is my favourite. You can read more about her here. I messaged her a few months back telling her how I love…

Philippines Moving Forward

It’s Day 2 of Becky’s SquaresRenew and I am featuring something that is close to my heart. As a Filipino migrant residing in Australia, every time I see something “Filipino” like these trams in Melbourne and in Sydney….I feel so excited. I’ve often wondered why discussions about Southeast Asia frequently overlook the Philippines, mentioning countries…

Tuesday Streetart Festival in Mordi -38

Wall to Wall Festival in the Mordi Village, is curated by Juddy Roller, bringing vibrant street art to life from April 26 to 28. It is the first time back since 2019. Ten walls transformed into stunning murals during this weekend-long celebration. It is my first time visiting while the festival is still ongoing so…

Tuesday Streetart – 36

BRISTOL, UK This is a Streetart done by WiIII Cross (Wi with 3 capital i’s), a street artist from Bristol. It is an oil painting of a woman wearing a Bulgarian traditional costume.

The Rocks

We explored Sydney’s oldest neighborhood, The Rocks, where we found olden style cobblestone streets intertwined with modern cafes and restaurants. The rich history of Sydney’s roots are seen in some of its public art. “First Impressions” is a sculpture located in Playfair Street in The Rocks. This sandstone relief was created by Bud Dumas in 1979…

Tuesday Streetart – 33

PARIS, FRANCE You’ll find amazing urban art all over Paris – just walk the streets with your eyes wide open. This is a mural by Cannibal Letters. Cannibal Letters, originally from Paris, has been honing his skills since 1999, using various names and working with different groups. In 2010, he settled on his current name….

From Belém’s pastries to Fado’s melodies

(and everything in Between) TRAVEL DIARY: LISBON 2 We started early and walked to the train station. Some interesting things to see and smell along the way. Like the protruding car, some souvenirs and chestnuts roasting … yum my fave! From the train window I saw these murals. I see that cat in a lot…


LAS RAMBLAS, BARCELONA One sunny afternoon in the Las Ramlas area. I am linking it to Debbie’s One Word Sunday – Shadows

Streetart shutters

BARCELONA, SPAIN As we expected, after leaving the Banksy Museum, we encountered a number of street art murals adorning the shutter doors along our route. I can’t get enough of them. The artworks may not be that outstanding, but when you see so many of them in one place … that’s pretty cool. I am…

Wordless Wednesday

Give love whenever you can. The world needs more of that. BRISTOL, UK

Round Windows

BARCELONA, SPAIN Modern architecture of residential building with big round windows by architect Mario Catalan Nebot. Linked to Ludwig’s Monday Windows

Tuesday Streetart by Bronik – 25

BARCELONA, SPAIN A streetart by Bronik. Clearly, she is becoming one of my favourite street artist. It is only now that I found out that she is an artist/muralist/streetartist/illustrator from Peru but now based in Melbourne. Gotta search for her work now in my walks.

Exploring Melbourne’s Day & Night

This week’s topic for Lens Artist Photo Challenge is Day & Night I’ll stay close and showcase my home city, Melbourne for this challenge. Its diverse neighborhoods and vibrant urban culture create a lively daytime atmosphere, offering a variety of cuisines and renowned for its coffee culture. As dusk falls, the city transforms into a…

Laundry day

BARCELONA, SPAIN This is my initial entry for My Vivid Blog and the prompt today is Laundry. I just saw her blog on Brian’s space.

Tuesday Streetart – Leicester Square – 23

LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON This is a fairly new streetart in Leicester Square (maybe end of November 2023?). Photo sent to me by my son Tim. It is by Jim Vision. Jim Vision is a London based Street Artist, Muralist and Graffiti Artist. All such amazing artwork that deserves a second or even a third look.

Tuesday Streetart by Otto Schade – 20

LONDON, UK A typically painted interwoven ribbon creation by Otto Schade can be seen in Hawley Street in Camden Town. It is Amy Winehouse plus other examples of his work. This is a scheduled post for this week.

Tuesday Streetart Red Flowers -19

CATALUNYA, BARCELONA, SPAIN It’s such a waste when people vandalise a gorgeous mural. I found this one in Barcelona. It is a mural entitled Red Flowers by Bronik. _______________________________oOo____________________________________________ *Five days before Christmas, amidst the festive preparations, my husband and I find ourselves contending with COVID. Thankfully, our symptoms aren’t severe, marking our first experience…

Azulejos in Portugal

Blue is the theme for the challenge this week for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – CFFC. What came to mind are the blue and white Azulejo tiles which are a Portuguese classic. Azulejos are beautiful ceramic tiles from the 14th century that decorate the streets, churches and buildings throughout Portugal. Capela das Almas The Chapel…

Tuesday Streetart – 18

BRISTOL, UK A street art by Irony (@whoamirony) & Boe (@placee_boe) that can be found in Back Road in Bristol.