Australia Day Walk

It is Australia Day Public Holiday today and Forecast is… was gonna rain at 5 pm. So hubby and I decided to go for a walk in the local Lysterfield Lake early morning. Lysterfield Lake is very popular for canoeing, kayaking and sailing. People go for a swim as well as go for a walk…

Bloganuary: Favourite Quote

What is your favorite quote and why? The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller No one can truly understand or appreciate the true beauty of the world just by observing and touching, one must be connected with what…

In the Garden

“Flowers grow back, even after they are stepped on. So will I.” – Unknown I choose the purple and pink flowers as my entry to Cee’s January Pick a Topic from my Photo. Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – CMMC and FOTD and for Whatever is so Lovely Challenge (initial entry)

Nothing wrong with doing simple things

“There’s nothing wrong with doing simple things.” – PCoelho Double dipping with challenges is not a new thing for me. In fact, I consider it as part of my personal challenges … combining as many challenges in one post. So, here I go with challenges dipped all together… Lens Artist Photo Challenge,, Photographing Public Art…

Bloganuary: My “today”

“Today is a perfect day just to be happy.” – unknown My day isn’t over yet since it is only midday here in Melbourne. It was a wonderful sunny start of the day but slowly turning out to be a scorcher…. it may not be an ideal day or a perfect one but I am…

A garden of purple

”A garden of purple is always in bloom.” – unknown I don know why, but this first one is my favourite and as you can see I even made it my wallpaper. FOTD Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – CMMC

Bare Tree

”Bare trees have a power that the most lush ones don’t… The bare ones, have nothing to lose …” – Diti Swain The silhouette of the bare tree on the hill against the winter sky. This was taken last winter, a few months back.


“If you peek at Hydrangea petals through a kaleidoscope…Happiness dances round and round.” – unknown Hydrangeas are much loved for their colour-changing blooms which is an awesome addition to the garden. FOTD

Roses in Single Shades

“The Rose is without an explanation; She blooms, because She blooms.” – Angelus Silesius Here are some roses for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – CFFC and for FOTD.

Reflections on the Water

“Only in still waters do things reflect undistorted.” – Anne Brown WWE CFFC – Reflections

Graveyard Tree

“Forests may be gorgeous but there is nothing more alive than a tree that learns how to grow in a cemetery.” ― Andrea Gibson For Parul’s Thursday Tree Love

Ruby Red bloom

“There is a shade of red for every woman.” – Audrey Hepburn This is for Terri’s Sunday Stills Monthly Colour challenge with the topic of Ruby Red. The colour is emotionally charged which represents strong feeling and passionate nature. It is the colour of the gemstone, blood and cherries and is said to be a…


“Flowers are like friends; they bring color to your world.”– Unknown Proteas are native to southern Africa and belong to the same family of plants (Proteaceae) as Australia’s native Banksias,  FOTD

Season Downunder

“Embrace the seasons and cycles of your life. There is magic in CHANGE.” – Bronnie Ware This week for Sunday Stills with the topic of Trees and Leaves, it is my first time joining Terrie’s challenge. Let me introduce myself by showing where I live. This was Melbourne more or less 6 months ago. Taken…

Outside my window…

“There’s a whole world out there, right outside your window. You’d be a fool to miss it.” —Charlotte Eriksson One doesn’t have to go far to see beauty especially on a rainy day…it is just a step to your back yard….a glimpse outside your window…under the leaves…over the fence… My entry for Cee’s Midweek Madness…

Last Sunday

“Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.” – author unknown Melbourne opened up last Friday at 6pm, from the longest Lockdown in any country of the world (correct me if I’m wrong). Melbourne retail celebrated as if it was New Year… dining, drinking, hairdressing, and media called it a Freedom weekend. One blogger…

Light and shadow

“All the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow.” – Leo Tolstoy For Cee’s B&W Challenge – CBWC – Vanishing Point Please click image to enlarge Decided to add these photos as well to show more vanishing point looking upwards.

Orange Tree

“Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.” – Rabindranath Tagore I have posted these together with a lot more autumn foliage and autumn colours in From Orange Trees to Orange Beanies. I am now posting it as part of Becky’s PastSquare and Parul’s Thursday Tree Love

Midweek Madness

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” – unknown Cee’s challenge is to find words with the letter “Q” or “U” somewhere in the word. CMMC Firstly I considered some rusty shots Here is a sQUared photo of a rUsty sUnflower And more rUst here… This is also…

October last year

Posted this in October 2020 of an awesome moonlight … kinda mesmerising but kinda eerie! for Becky’s PastSquare

Orange & Green

“Orange is the happiest color.” – Frank Sinatra This is for Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – Orange & Green For Cee’s Flower of the Day – FOTD This one is Becky’s PastSquares when we went to a working farm in April 2021. This was the last time that we had a family getaway. You can…

When I first open my eyes…

“When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Today….I am grateful for another year of life. This is my fourth year anniversary since I had my stroke. Thank you Lord! P.S. And when I opened my…

Yellow Tree

Becky’s topic for the month of October is PastSquares. But since I haven’t Squared for a long time, I am just mix and matching from her previous topics as well as a few from my past posts. Just see how I go. Today I am putting this out there again… Yellow Tree from my past…

Rain kissed the flower

“Rain kissed the flower,And the petals embraced the rain drops.” – Arvinth Manoharan For Floral Friday #40 and for FOTD

Autumn Downunder

“Autumn leaves shower like gold, like rainbows, as the winds of change begin to blow.”– Dan Millman It is spring where I am but it is so glorious to remember the past autumn when leaves were crackling with every step I made. “Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with…

There was a double rainbow yesterday

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou Six word Saturday Who says you have to go far to see beauty… taken during my afternoon walk with hubby after it drizzled. Yay for double rainbows 🌈 🌈. Taken with an iphone with panorama view.

Inverted Triangles

”The object of art is to give life a shape.” – William Shakespeare With daughter and a whole lot of inverted triangles in a small vineyard. April 10 2021 CFFC

Wooden Benches

“If you could sit on this bench and chat for one hour with anyone who would it be?” – unknown I have four benches here, would that mean I can chat with four people? Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge

Yes, Melbourne is still in lockdown

“You couldn’t do this and you couldn’t do that, but life went on.” – Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl For Debbie’s Six Word Saturday and sorry if my title is sort of similar to yours. It has been 37 days of Lockdown for us…and that is only for Lockdown 6.0 … not counting…