A walk at the Blue Lotus Water Garden

It was only 23 degrees but it was quite warm as it is summer. So a spray of mist at the start of our walk kept us going. This is called the Bridge of Mist.

Inspired by Jo’s Monday Walk

Jez’s Water Water Everywhere

At first we didn’t know how big the place was… until we saw the map. This is 14 acres of lakes and waterways with amazing display of lotus, waterlilies and other exotic plants.

So we started off with the Kids’ area known as the Fairy Garden

And here is something for Ludwig’s Monday Windows. A playground for kids…

Next is the area of The Giant Amazon Lily.

TRIVIA: The gigantic leaves have a very strong underside structure capable of supporting the weight of a small child.

Some greenhouses which have a display of different water lilies.

Next is the lotus Wetlands and Waterlily Walk

Golden Lotus is special because it is said that this yellow flower can have up to 88 petals per bloom and is one of the largest lotus flower in the world.

Bridge Walk

A sea of pink and white blooms at the Lotus Lake.

Dragon Trail features the mystical Red Dragon.

They even have a Monet inspired Water Lily Pond. It has a collection of waterlilies which can also be found in his famous garden in France.


  1. bushboy says:

    A wonderful place to see thanks Teresa 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad to be able to share!

  2. restlessjo says:

    What a fabulous place, Teresa! Those water lilies and lotuses are spectacular. Thanks so much for sharing 🫠💗

    1. Teresa says:

      We really enjoyed our walk…but who wouldn’t? Happy to share on your challenge, Jo!

  3. Sofia Alves says:

    This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing, Teresa.

    1. Teresa says:

      I also didn’t expect to see such an abundance of flowers, happy that you liked it.

  4. ghostmmnc says:

    Very pretty place and beautiful flowers. 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for stopping by and glad you liked it.

      1. ghostmmnc says:

        You’re welcome! It’s always nice to see pretty things. 🙂

        1. Teresa says:


  5. Mama Cormier says:

    What a magical place. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks….that’s a precise term
      for it 👍

  6. Ludwig says:

    A charming place. Thank you for taking us along. And for finding some windows too.

    1. Teresa says:

      Haha lucky to see those windows 👍

  7. Toonsarah says:

    What a beautiful place for a walk! I love the purple waterlily and the golden lotus in particular – such striking flowers!

    1. Teresa says:

      Lovely choices Sarah. Lucky we went there, we didn’t have a clue if it was a beautiful place to go to.

  8. What an amazing garden!

    1. Teresa says:

      I think so too! Thanks ❤️

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