Partly closed Shutters

Like a window had been thrown open inside my head and my heart, where there had been closed shutters before. — Malorie Blackman This is the fourth and last of my series about Carcassonne. This is also for Ludwig’s Monday Windows Challenge. Here we saw quite a number of old houses…some with widely opened windows and…

Main Boulevard – Public Art in Carcassonne

On the La Bastide Saint-Louis or the lower town of Carcassonne, we immediately noticed some artistic treasures. Here are some sculptures scattered around the main boulevard, a testament of modern influence to the city. This Square is known as the Place Gambetta. For Photographing Public Art Challenge Sculpture Saturday and 6WS The Place Gambetta is…

La Cite de Carcassonne

La Cité in Carcassonne, located in southern France, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the whole country. Millions of visitors come every year to this huge fortified city on a hilltop. From afar, this medieval fort looks like something out of a children’s story book. This castle was decided to be preserved…

Green and Blue

”Green grass, blue skies, yellow sun … we sure live colourful lives!” Let me start with the colour BLUE and GREEN in nature. It is considered cool colours but when it is combined with the rays of sun it can be quite vivid and bright. For LAPC Lens Artist Photo Challenge My daughter sent me…

A Hole on the Wall

“One may see through a wall, if there’s a hole in it.” – German Proverb CFFC – Hole on the Wall Seeing the French city of Carcassonne through a hole on the wall of La Cite, a medieval fortified city. Seeing the Loire River from an opening on the walls of the Chateau d’Amboise in…

Time to Look Back at Bridges

“Every path in life has a bridge… the journey is CROSSING it!” – unknown I love doing this blog because it satisfies my quench for travelling (especially now that we can’t do so) and looking at photos from other bloggers’ travels serve as an inspiration to me too. Looking at past photos brings back awww-some…