A candlelight journey

Thanks Becky for the Square Challenge for this month of May. And as my last entry to SquareRenew… A candlelight’s glow invites us to meditate and embark on moments of silence and renewal.

The school kids striving forward

The primary school near our place has newly decorated the front parking space with beautiful square tiles adorned with powerful words. This will be an inspiration to the children to strive forward and pursue their goals in life.. I am linking this to Becky’s SquareRenew

One two three four five six

6 Burgeoning dogs sitting beside each other. I am linking this to Debbie’s 6WS and to Becky’s SquareRenew

A Brand new Day in Square

As the gloomy days fade, sunny skies bring cheer and light to renew our spirits. I am linking this to Becky‘s SquareRenew

New Growth

Here’s a lovely photo of my daughter during our stay at a charming Airbnb on a working farm in Castlemaine, Victoria. We were allowed to handpick veggies from the garden and the owners were so nice to bring us a daily basket of fresh fruits. I’m sure, soon enough, new growth will emerge from where…

Walking forward

Exploring the streets with a tour group is always an adventure. In Girona, their expressions were intense as they walked forward, fully immersed in the stories being shared by the tour guide. I am linking this to Becky’s SquareRenew.

Wooden Sculptures Squared

When my sister came to Melbourne for a visit, of course we had to take them to the Twelve Apostles. On the way, we stayed the night in Apollo Bay. Here we discovered Apollo Bay’s wooden sculptures, showcasing local artists’ talent. This is a permanent exhibition of wooden sculptures along the Apollo Bay Foreshore. This…

Electricity Boxes Reimagined

You’ve probably seen one and stopped and maybe even smiled because it is hard to miss a large, cheerfully painted metal electricity box on the streets. I know, because there are also some here in Melbourne and is becoming a trend in many modern cities around the world. Last week, I showcased doors from Rua…

Tuesday Streetart 40 – Under Construction

The last time I visited Melbourne CBD, the roadside was undergoing construction, presumably for renewal, reconstruction, or extension. Surprisingly, instead of typical signage, it boasted charming street art featuring Australian animals. Adorable, isn’t it? I am linking this to Becky’s SquareRenew

Being hopeful …

This week, Patti hosts the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge with the topic of HOPEFUL. I am linking this also to Becky’s SquareRenew In my ripe ol’ age of 60+, there are still many things in life that make me hopeful… witnessing simple acts of kindness, seeing progress in the world, and maybe experiencing personal growth by learning new…

New Blooms, New Beginnings, a Renewal

In a garden, petals open up, embracing the morning sun. Each bloom whispers tales of renewal, reminding us that even in endings, there’s always the possibility of new beginnings. I am linking this to Becky’s SquareRenew Debbie’s 6WS and Cee’s Weekend FOTD

The Rebuilding of the Forest Glade Gardens

This is the history of the Forest Glade Gardens in the Macedon Ranges Originally, the land were two properties with orchards and large paddocks. In 1941, the Newton family bought and expanded the land to create a beautiful garden. Later, Cyril Stokes bought it and made the gardens even better. __________________________________ Sadly, the Ash Wednesday…

The flower is burgeoning

Not my usual choice of word that I would use for flowers growing rapidly, but now I’m using it for Becky’s SquaresRenew challenge. I don’t even know if I used it correctly, but here goes… Also linking it for Cee’s FOTD Weekend challenge and for Cellpic Sunday Here is a pink Dahlia that I found…

Autumn Leaves

It’s Day 3 of Becky’s SquaresRenew and here is a symbol of change. The autumn leaves on the ground symbolize the beauty of transformation and renewal, as nature undergoes its seasonal cycle of change.

Philippines Moving Forward

It’s Day 2 of Becky’s SquaresRenew and I am featuring something that is close to my heart. As a Filipino migrant residing in Australia, every time I see something “Filipino” like these trams in Melbourne and in Sydney….I feel so excited. I’ve often wondered why discussions about Southeast Asia frequently overlook the Philippines, mentioning countries…

Moving Up

Life’s a journey, it may not be always moving forward … it may be moving up. Since I am a Streetart person, i will start with a Streetart stencil of Banksy which I saw twice… once in Barcelona and this one is from Sydney. This is entitled “Girl with a Balloon”. The message of this…

Odd Three in the Cockatoo Gang

A mural that I saw in Hosier Lane in Melbourne, painted by Carlos Mejia @el_rolo.art and is in the instagram page of @cockatoogangnft. It is entitled Cockatoo Gang. for Sami’s Monday Murals and for Becky’s SquareOdds Three

Who’s the Odd one out?

This is a group of mannequins on a street in Melbourne CBD and only one of them is a human statue. Can you pick the odd one out? Clue: he is looking at you. 😀

Orange & Green

“Orange is the happiest color.” – Frank Sinatra This is for Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – Orange & Green For Cee’s Flower of the Day – FOTD This one is Becky’s PastSquares when we went to a working farm in April 2021. This was the last time that we had a family getaway. You can…

Lines from back home…

Some straight parallel lines and some intersecting lines in the Philippines. The next two photos were taken in Ilocos Norte Province in the northern part of the country some few years gone past. These are coloured windows in a church in Cebu City in the middle islands of Visayas.

Yellow Tree

Becky’s topic for the month of October is PastSquares. But since I haven’t Squared for a long time, I am just mix and matching from her previous topics as well as a few from my past posts. Just see how I go. Today I am putting this out there again… Yellow Tree from my past…

Yellow Trees in my mind

“Once you have travelled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” – Pat Conroy Using the power of the mind I can go back to previous journeys. I can visualize the wonderful trips over and over again……

Random Blue Houses, Windows and Trees

“If you want the people to understand you, invite them to your life and let them see the world from your window!” – Mehmet Murat ildan London may look gloomy most of the time but seeing these houses made my day bright and cheerful. I love these blue houses in Notting Hill with different shapes…

Nobody’s favourite colour…

“Oh, come on! Nobody’s favorite color is brown!” – Lee Blessing So…what do you think about brown? Not a particular fave of mine but since it is the colour of coffee and chocolate then I guess I could change my perception of the colour. This is for BeckyB’s #TreeSquare challenge. Same area as my yesterday’s…

From Orange Trees to Orange Beanies

“There is no blue without yellow and without orange.” – Vincent Van Gogh This is my entry for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – CFFC – Orange, which incorporates a few other Challenges. These are some orange trees during the past autumn season at the Rhododendron Botanical Garden. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare Orange variety of flowers for…

Trees by the Windows

“The wisdom’s in the trees, not in the glass windows.” – unknown I don’t really know what this building is or what these trees are. I was just attracted to it because from afar, I thought the trees were paintings on the wall of the building. I had to walk nearer and only then did…

Leaves and Tree Trunks

“Life without love is like a tree without leaves.” – unknown For Cee’s Black and White Challenge – CBWC and For Becky B’s Square Challenge

Shades of Bright Pink Hydrangeas

“Every flower blooms in its own time.” – Ken Petti It was fun joining Becky and the rest of the blogging community this whole month of April. It was enjoyable to see some brightness all around the globe. And this is from me to end this month of flowery brightness and pink. Some Hydrangeas at…

Bright Church Doors

“God will open doors that you didn’t knock on.” Unknown Some church doors in the Melbourne CBD. Brightly coloured ones too! Dan’s Thursday Doors Challenge- Bright Church Doors BeckyB’s Square Challenge- Bright Church Doors

This Morning at the Dandenongs

“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.” – John Burroughs These photos are so fresh from the camera. My friends and I went to the Rhododendron Gardens, Dandenong Ranges in Regional Victoria this morning. There are no rhododendrons at this time, but there’s an abundance of Maple…