Silent Sunday

BRIGHTON, VICTORIA, AUS. Parked the car and first thing I saw was this bricked up tunnel painted by John Lawry. The artwork is painted in the Trompe l’Oeil style, which is French for ‘deceive the eye’. By using perspective, the mural creates an illusion of depth and dimension. This tunnel was built in1861 and was…

‘Aliens’ have landed in Fed Square

This is Saturday Sky on the way to the Melbourne CBD. I am linking this to Hammad’s Weekend Sky And for Debbie’s Six Word Saturday While on a tram to meet up with Pat to have lunch. I am linking this to Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday And this was lunch at a Biang Biang Noodle Place….

A catch-up with my friend Carmen

Last week, Carmen, Edna, and I met at Carmen’s to catch up. Her garden, thriving under the warm, glorious weather, captivated me, despite it being winter. Photos taken with my iPhone. I am linking this to Debbie’s Six Word Saturday, for Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday and for Cee’s weekend FOTD.

The flower is burgeoning

Not my usual choice of word that I would use for flowers growing rapidly, but now I’m using it for Becky’s SquaresRenew challenge. I don’t even know if I used it correctly, but here goes… Also linking it for Cee’s FOTD Weekend challenge and for Cellpic Sunday Here is a pink Dahlia that I found…

Window Shopping in Obidos

Obidos is a charming town not too far from Lisbon. It has narrow cobbled streets with whitewashed homes, accented with bright blue or red or yellow detailing, red tiled roofs and spreading purple bougainvillea blooms. It is a tiny town but it has a castle, churches, restaurants and a maze of cobbled alleyways. But that…

Barcelona and Banksy

So, who is BANKSY? Not much is known about him, not even his real name, his date and place of birth. His works are mainly satirical takes on politics, pop culture and morality but he hides his real identity from the general public. Last October 2023, Jack and I decided to visit the Banksy Museum…

Stachys Byzantina

Stachys byzantina or Lamb’s Ears, is an evergreen perennial known for its velvety silver leaves resembling lamb’s ear, and its fuzzy flowers. Saw this at the Wilson’s Botanic Gardens. Linked to Cee’s FOTD snd for John’s Cellpic Sunday

Stepping to a new year

As we step into the new year, may our hopes and our wishes come true. Wishing for abundant joy, success, and cherished moments. Here’s to more family time, thrilling adventures, exciting travels, and moments of self-indulgence in the activities we love. Cheers to a fulfilling 2024! Linked to Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday

Hey Neighbour

A bush of pink flowers separate us from our neighbour. Linked to Cee’s FOTD Challenge And John’s Cellpic Sunday

Capturing Moments: Embracing Empty Spaces

I am linking this to Patti’s Empty Spaces LAPC , Xingfumama’s Whatsoever is lovely Challenge and for Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday for this week. These are photos that I took with my IPhone during my travels from October to early November this year. What lovely memories…

On board the Eurostar

Hubby and I left early for our Eurostar train ride to Paris from the St Pancras International. Didn’t expect to get there so early giving us more time for some photo opportunities with my phone. Photos from 8 October 2023 Linked to John’s Cellpic Sunday