
I am having a lovely time having a cuppa and I remembered this poem that I saw somewhere and thought I might share it with you. Don’t leave anything for later. Later, the coffee gets cold. Later, you lose interest. Later, the day turns into night. Later, people grow up. Later, people grow old. Later,…

Being hopeful …

This week, Patti hosts the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge with the topic of HOPEFUL. I am linking this also to Becky’s SquareRenew In my ripe ol’ age of 60+, there are still many things in life that make me hopeful… witnessing simple acts of kindness, seeing progress in the world, and maybe experiencing personal growth by learning new…

Tuesday Streetart, Bronik in St Kilda – 39

ST KILDA, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Ever since I saw Bronik’s work in Barcelona, I was immediately captivated by them. Mainly because of its lively colours and by her use of the colour purple, which is my favourite. You can read more about her here. I messaged her a few months back telling her how I love…

Life is too short…

Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often? Life is too short … be happy … make the most of it … be kind … so try to travel more (haha I really had to include this) … be thankful with what you’ve got … say I love you…

2018 is special

What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite? *** Being an Australian, i am defining holiday as not going to work or it’s also a longer break from work such as taking time off to go on a trip somewhere. In 2018, I embarked on an unforgettable journey through London, Prague, Vienna, and…

Happy Anniversary to ME!

It’s incredible how time flies, isn’t it? I now reflect on how much has changed in both the world and in my personal pursuits over these past four years. What began as a way to fill my spare time during the start of the pandemic, has evolved into a meaningful dedication, shaping not just my…

“Lest we forget“

Borrowed from a line in a well-known poem written in the 19th century, the phrase ‘lest we forget’ means ‘it should not be forgotten’. We say or write ‘lest we forget’ in commemorations to remember always the service and sacrifice of people who have served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. ANZAC stands for Australian…

Saturday Blue Skies in High Street

There are many High Streets in Melbourne, but the one I am talking about is the street that runs through the city’s inner north suburbs of Northcote, Thornbury and Preston. Surprising news this week, as Time Out magazine ranked High Street as the coolest street in the world. In my opinion it is not, but when…

I love doing this…

What activities do you lose yourself in? When I engage in urban sketching, or other art forms mentioned below, I often find myself completely absorbed, losing track of time as I immerse myself in the process. This was in The Old Cheese Factory in Berwick where I went with my friends from the Casey Urban…

I hate to be asked …

What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain. “When will you have a grandchild?” That is one question Filipino acquaintance and friends often ask me—a question Australian friends don’t usually pose. It is in our culture to ask these questions. While it may seem harmless, it can actually be hurtful at times. (Especially…


How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life? Experiencing a stroke in 2017 profoundly shaped my outlook on life. Despite no warning signs, my commitment to staying healthy, influenced by my mum’s medical history, proved vital. The occurrence during my Zumba class, as per doctors, highlighted the positive…

Go and See It Now

I’m a part of the Melbourne Urban Sketchers group, though I don’t regularly attend as their sessions are usually on Sundays, and Jack prefers to rest on that day. Additionally, I’m an active member of Urban Sketchers Casey, a more intimate group that meets every second Friday of the month, and I make an effort…

Exploring Melbourne’s Day & Night

This week’s topic for Lens Artist Photo Challenge is Day & Night I’ll stay close and showcase my home city, Melbourne for this challenge. Its diverse neighborhoods and vibrant urban culture create a lively daytime atmosphere, offering a variety of cuisines and renowned for its coffee culture. As dusk falls, the city transforms into a…

Hey kitty: why the purr-plexing look?

Saw this kitty who was very friendly to us when we went to the art gallery. It even knows how to pose for the camera. Linked to Debbie’s Six Word Saturday – 6WS

Day tripping to Medieval Girona

TRAVEL DIARY: GIRONA Left our hotel early for Barcelona Nord. I organised this day trip via Get Your Guide. Met our guide at platform 17/18, left at 8:30 and arrived in Girona, Spain, in about an hour. Explored Girona with a local guide, who shared Game of Thrones Season 6 details which was shot there….

She lost herself in the trees

For this week, Anne-Christine leads us with the challenge of picking a poem or quote and using 1-4 pictures to illustrate this. (Ooops Sorry for having an extra photo) I stumbled upon a brief poem by Christy Ann Martine on Google, and I was intrigued by its mystery. Here goes … She lost herself in…

My 2023

My last post for this year is a look-back on the year that was. So many memories made and much to be grateful for. Linked to Cee’s FOTD and to Xingfumama’s Whatsoever is Lovely Challenge ————————- oOo ————————- Wishing all of you a blessed Christmas Season and joyous New beginnings… ————————- oOo ————————- “No matter…

Last chance bloopers

This is the last post for the Lens Artist Photo Challenge for the year. Led by Tina, we are asked to post photos that didn’t quite make it to the blog for this year of 2023. I will give it a go… Last Chance Here are some photos that were taken during my travels to the…

Boat Houses in Lake Wendouree

Lake Wendouree is a suburb of Ballarat in regional Victoria. My friends and I went there a couple of weeks ago. Here are some boat houses and its doors at Lake Wendouree. Linked to Dan’s Thursday Door Challenge

Is it Spring already?

I woke up this morning and noticed these tiny buds starting to bloom in my front garden. I am confused …. Is it Spring already? From: In Australia, the seasons are defined by grouping the calendar months in the following way: So NO it is not yet Spring! linked to Cee’s Flower of the…

I am a Work in Progress

(Back story) I studied Bachelor of Fine Arts Majoring in Advertising when I was in the Philippines. I became a Graphic Designer right after school. Then my husband and I came here to Australia in 1991 together with my one year old son. And since then I haven’t touched my artistic side until when I…

Thursday Night time Doors

Went to dinner in Melbourne city and passed by these doors. Of course, it is for Dan’s Thursday door Challenge which I haven’t joined for a few weeks. Establishments with huge green double doors. Back doors or churches. Doors with graffiti seems a little bit shady especially at night time. But don’t be deceived…walking along…

Gnome is where the heart is…

After a long while that I haven’t joined any challenges, here is my post linked to Debbie’s Six Word Saturday and Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge Some cute gnomes in a friend’s garden.

White Doors

Don’t ask me where I found these doors because I have no idea. It’s just sitting there in my archives. Inspired by Dan’s Thursday Doors Challenge

Blue shutters

While walking along a street in Hawthorn, I saw this bright blue shutters on bright yellow walls. Isn’t it pretty? And… here I am just playing with the focus of my phone camera. Inspired by Ludwig’s Monday Window.

Sunday walk under the blue skies

A leisurely walk at our local Wilson Botanic Gardens. The sun’s so beautiful today that I had to share this with all of you. Inspired by Hammad’s Weekend Sky But first coffee with some friendly people and pets. I thought I would not be able to post any walk for Jo’s Monday Walk but fortunately…

My Melbourne weekend

Saturday, I and hubby decided to go to the city just because… We started off at about 4 pm and saw this magnificent autumn colours and the weekend sky. Inspired by Hammad’s Weekend Sky Challenge I wanted to go and see the Temple of Boom at the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria). We got there…

The Green Doors of the Good Shepherd Chapel

This is a continuation of my series about the Abbotsford Convent. The Good Shepherd Chapel is located at St Heliers Street, next to the Abbotsford Convent. Built in 1871 by the Good Shepherd Sisters. In 1863, four sisters set sail to Melbourne from France to provide a safe house for women and girls experiencing hardship….

Windows in my memory

This is the Yap Sandiego Ancestral House in Cebu which is one of the oldest houses in the Philippines. I took this photo in 2012 and I am posting it today because I just remembered that I had a photo taken here on this window with my two sisters. This is in remembrance of my…

Weekend Sunday Sky

After a few wet days … my Sunday turned out to be a pleasant sunny day. Have a great day everyone. Inspired by Hammad Rais’ Weekend Sky