Doors and Arches in Cloudehill

“Never underestimate the healing power of a quiet moment in the garden.” – Anonymous At the top of the Dandenong Ranges is a maze of a garden, sculpture, archway and doors known as the Cloudehill Gardens. This is the signage in front and the entry door. This is for Dan’s Thursday Door Challenge Please click…

Focusing on Autumn Details

“Steer me to an autumn path to travel all alone. Fall leaves the finest company; rustling in my heart like home.” – Anonymous Yesterday was a gorgeous day for a stroll in Mount Dandenong. As the leaves were falling on the quiet path that I wash taking … the leaves of ochre, brown, red and…

Taking flight on the Wetlands

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” – Rumi I decided to walk through my local wetlands yesterday to savour the view as it was during the strict lockdown. Things were much simpler during the year that was… i used to just sit there almost everyday… no distractions of work, shopping,…

Metal Chairs and Bright Leaves

“Two empty chairs are not a good use of space. Fill them up with love.” – Jarod Kintz Gotta continue with my short getaway. We stayed in Firetail Ridge, an 8.5 acre rural property in Yapeen, a hamlet between Castlemaine and Guildford in regional Victoria. Around the farm slash winery slash retreat, there were lots…

A Few Weeks Ago

“Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.” – Jack Kerouac I had a feeling of slight numbness on my left arm. It wasn’t severe or continuous but I wanted to be sure that it wasn’t related to my stroke which I had three years ago. I had an MRI and also had…

White Chairs in Somebody’s Wedding

“Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.” – unknown Went to the Carlton Gardens a few weeks ago and saw a wedding going on. Such a happy occassion…with pretty wooden white chairs! The Gardens is an oasis in the middle of the city and is a favourite venue for weddings. Pull Up a Seat…

Visiting the Wetlands during Snap Lockdown

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir So… because of the 5 day Snap Lockdown in Victoria, I revisited the wetlands near my place. It made me realise once again how beautiful nature is … the flying Silver Gull, the dry leaves, reeds, the colourful Lorikeets and…

“Me Day”

“Soft sand, rolling waves, and endless sunshine. What’s not to love?” – Selena Barrientos Yesterday, I posted some snow photos in London from my son, during one of his walks in the park near where he lives. Today, I have some summer photos from my daughter, Pat, when she went to Brighton Beach in Melbourne….


“The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.” – Confucius CFFC – Reed

Life in Yellow

“Yellow…the colour of Sunshine, hope and happiness.” – Iram Khan Here is my entry for Jude’s Life in Colour Challenge – Yellow Please click to enlarge image “How lovely yellow is! It stands for the sun.” – Vincent Van Gogh “The colour yellow makes me smile.” – unknown “Live life in warm yellows.” – unknown

The After is Better

“After was better. Before was only there so after could happen.: – unknown When taking photos, I strive to get it right the first, second or third time by adjusting the aperture and the shutter speed. But still, no matter how hard I try, the images often stuffs up. So in this challenge, I don’t…

My Camera Journey

“A photograph is the pause button of life.” – unknown My camera is my happiness. I take it everywhere and it doesn’t matter if my camera is not the most advanced or the most sleek looking or it may only be a phone camera …. I just want to record life as I see it….

Up the Fairfield Pipe Bridge

“When you cross a bridge, you take a break from this world!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan The Yarra River is a river in Victoria that flows through the city of Melbourne. Overhead is the rustic Fairfield Pipe Bridge, where you can see a bird’s eye view of the river… of people having a go on…

All Wrapped UP in Nature

“Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.” – unknown One doesn’t always have to rush. Take time to relax and breath it all in. That is one good thing that I have learned from 2020. I have talked about how my 2020 has been in my previous post. In the past 12 months…7…

Looking Up …

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir Here are some of the different trees and texture of tree barks as well as leaves in Australia. CFFC Please click image to enlarge “If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and…