“I do not insist,” answered Don Quixote, “that this is a full adventure, but it is the beginning of one, for this is the way adventures begin.” – Miguel de Cervantes
This is the third and last of my series about Toledo. That shows how much you can see and do in this old and unique city of Spain. And considering, that was just in the main area of the city.
Photographing Public Art Challenge – PPAC – Public Art in Toledo
This is the most popular statue in Toledo and it is of Miguel de Cervantes. He is a Spanish writer regarded as the greatest writer in the Spanish language. He is best known for his novel Don Quixote.

El Greco was a Greek painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance and is a famous son of Toledo, Spain.

This is one of the many statues of Don Quixote that can be found around Toledo.

Found these public art in the town centre near the shops.

There is this cute little cafe-bakery in Toledo, Spain named El Cafe de Las Monjas. You can see the nuns actually baking and some making the famous marzipan from Toledo.

The Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes or the San Juan Monastery is a Franciscan monastery that has a Gothic and Moorish architecture influence. On the exterior of this monastery, you can see many iron chains hanging up high. This signifies the chains which were worn by the imprisoned Christians by the Muslims. During the reconquest , the prisoners were freed and the chains were given back to Ferdinand and Isabella.

This is a statue of Queen Isabella I near the San Juan Monastery.

I like these art pieces!
Thanks so much Aletta.
The little nuns in the bakery look really cute!
Yes they were. Thanks for stopping by, Julie.
Teresa, this is such a cool post for PPAC. So varied and delightful 😀
Thanks for liking it, Cee. Toledo has so much of them.
Congratulations! You have been featured in PPAC this week.
I sure hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Thanks for the feature Cee. ❤️