Lightscape in the Melbourne Botanic Gardens

It is that time of the year again… when the companies make a fortune promoting the chilly weather. They’re saying “C’mon lazy people get out and have fun”. So last Saturday that is what we did. Gave our precious $120 (for 3 people) of hard earned money to watch a winter light show at the Melbourne Botanic Garden.

It is called Lightscape… and as the person in the exit informed us…it was a 2.2 kilometre walk around the park.

We started our walk from the tram stop.

Then to the entrance of Lightscape

With interesting background music and play of lights… ‘twas a wonderful experience! Just not sure if you can view it. I haven’t posted videos lately.

Some lights featuring aboriginal themes.

Then came the rain…but that didn’t dampen the mood!

Linked to Jo’s Monday Walk


  1. Alison says:

    Wonderful, we did the same last night in Perth, what a coincidence is that
    We all really enjoyed it

    1. Teresa says:

      I know, it is fun isn’t
      It. Just colder in here I am sure.

      1. Alison says:

        It was quite chilly last night and also raining on and off

  2. restlessjo says:

    I love this kind of light show, Teresa. It’s so atmospheric! Thanks so much for sharing with me.

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you like it. Maybe this is another reason why my knee hurts. Well, nothing can stop me haha

  3. Toonsarah says:

    This sort of festival/event has become very popular in London too, in our winter, and we usually try to go to at least one. This looks like a great example!

    1. Teresa says:

      True. Cold is one thing but when it rains as well… glad it didn’t rain for long. Thanks Sarah for the comment.

  4. This looks fun! Liverpool had a similar thing called The River of Life last November.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, definitely fun 👍 thanks for stopping by

  5. Rupali says:


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