Hongkong – a City of Contrasts

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.”

– Buddha

It is fun travelling especially if you are with family. Year 2012, Jack and I went to Hongkong with my sister, Pilar and my niece, Pam and my nephew, Ram. Another thing which made it more enjoyable is, I wasn’t the one doing all the dirty work. Pam and Ram planned it all … even where to eat, where to take the Big Bus, where to buy shirts and designer items to take home.

Hongkong is a city of contrasts. 

(Please click image to enlarge)

Old junk boats

Modern skyscrapers

Traditional shops

Some are better viewed from the Big Bus windows

Designer shops

Even the food stores are a mixture of authentic as well as from the Western world. Oh but everything is just so yum.

The Central city of Hong Kong is crammed with skyscrapers. It is also there that the Avenue of Stars in Tsim Sha Tsui is located.

Went up to the Victoria Peak, which is Hong Kong island’s highest point. It is also one of the most visited spots. We even made one love message for ourselves!

Located at The Peak is the Madame Tussauds Hong Kong.

Some fun shops, street murals and advertisements that I found interesting.

It was January when we went there and it was so cold that Jack and I got the sniffles upon leaving Hong Kong, on our way to Macau. Face masks are not yet the norm then but there we were. We were put on quarantine for a few hours and tested before they gave us a pass to continue on with our trip as long as we have our masks on.


These are extraordinary times. Some information may have changed due to Covid-19, always check for updates. Stay safe.



  1. Alison says:

    Brings back memories

    1. Teresa says:

      Seems so long ago, right?

  2. I have been in Hong Kong in 2007 on my way to New Zealand. Had an 8 hour layover and decided to to a tour of the city. Seen a lot but not nearly enough…

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh for sure 8 hours is not enough. But still better than nothing! Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

      1. You’re welcome! Yes I wish I had more time to explore

  3. restlessjo says:

    Fun times 🙂 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      So true…such fun times with family!

  4. lolaWi says:

    HK is fun!. i lived there many, many years back and i enjoyed every bit of it….shopping and food! 🙂 🙂

  5. Teresa says:

    How come? Why did you live there? Is it for work? Daming Pinoy doon di ba?

    1. lolaWi says:

      work when i was young. FA for Cathay 🙂 🙂

      1. Teresa says:

        Oh were you a FA? You must be missing flying very badly especially now?

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