“I want my mummy’s hug…”

What mother wouldn’t feel her heart broken when she hears her child saying, “I want my mummy’s hug.” My youngest child is 26, but she is still my baby no matter what. And yesterday she is feeling sick so she had to have a Covid test and wait for the results before she can even…

Being 62

“Nobody expects to trust his body overmuch after the age of fifty.” – Alexander Hamilton I was walking last week when all of a sudden I felt my knees being misaligned. I don’t know if that is the term but that is what it felt like. But it did’t stay long that way and it…

“Me Day”

“Soft sand, rolling waves, and endless sunshine. What’s not to love?” – Selena Barrientos Yesterday, I posted some snow photos in London from my son, during one of his walks in the park near where he lives. Today, I have some summer photos from my daughter, Pat, when she went to Brighton Beach in Melbourne….

London through the Lens of Tim

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” — Unknown When I think of London, I think of cold, wet and dreary weather. Sometimes my son would ask me if I would like to live there and my quick response is no. I already don’t like Melbourne…

A View from my Son’s Window

”Bless those who see life through a different window and those who understand their view.” – unknown I was just talking to my kids earlier and before Tim said goodbye, he sent me a view of the snow in London (it is 10 in the morning there). So here I am posting this before I…

2021 The New Year is UPon Us

“Let go of all that holds you down, the next three hundred sixty five days are for you.” – Emily Byrnes “To everyone… a new year is UPon us. Let’s make it a Great One!” Although firework displays were cancelled in Melbourne and gatherings are down again to just 15 people indoors…I have still so…

Oh what a year that was …. Melbourne

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley We are literally in the end of 2020. Same time last year, we were all getting ready for the festive fireworks display in the city. None of us expected what the next year would bring us. Most of…

Precious Moments

“I want to take all our best moments, put them in a jar, and take them out like cookies and savor each one of them forever. – Crystal Woods Time flies and there are occasions when I get myself to thinking, “If only I can freeze this moment.” There are some precious moments that I…