Walking Around the play ground

As some of you may know, there are added restriction nowadays here in Melbourne…so walking around within 5 km of where I live is the only place I can go. Fortunately, I happened to pass this Primary school during my walking exercise, which was not lacking in play equipments, public art and seats.

So there you go…I again have a combination of challenges for this week.

Please click photo to see full image

For Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge- July Pick a Topic from Photo

This is also for Cee’s and Marsha’s Photographing Public Art Challenge- PPAC – School Public Art

Mosaic art in front of the school

Bollards that scattered all around the school, each with different designs.

Some tiles hand designed by the students.

Murals that seem like children’s artworks but then again it seems like it was professionally done.

And finally some benches and play equipments by the Primary School for Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge


  1. Alison says:

    Lovely Teresa, some great photos. Hope you are out of lockdown very soon 🤞

    1. Teresa says:

      I sure hope so too, Ali. So tired of this already and we have something planned for the next weekend as it is my husband’s birthday weekend.

      1. Alison says:

        I can’t imagine we will be far behind in WA! Hope you get to your celebrations next week

        1. Teresa says:

          Only vaccinations will help so here’s wishing better days for all of us!

  2. arlene says:

    Love your photos Techie.

    1. Teresa says:

      While walking around…naligaw pa nga ako e. Haha

  3. Toonsarah says:

    Sorry to hear you’re so restricted again. It does seem a bit mad to us when you have so few cases compared with here, and yet we are almost fully open! But I’m glad you found this colourful school to share with us:)

    1. Teresa says:

      It is because there’s just a few percentage of people vaccinated in Australia unlike you who have almost all, even the younger ones having at least one jab. It is the government’s fault really. Hopefully they’ll act faster now seeing all the new cases coming up. Thanks Sarah.

      1. Toonsarah says:

        That’s true, our vaccination rate has been very good – one of the few aspects of this pandemic that I feel our government has handled well.

        1. Teresa says:

          There are things that they get right! 👍🏼

  4. Cee Neuner says:

    These are all terrific photos for this week. Colorful slides on playgrounds and wonderful works of art all in one post. Terrific.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Cee. It was a surprise for me too and I got excited….as I always do! 😂

  5. Marsha says:

    What a darling playground for this week’s PPAC, Teresa! What child wouldn’t love all the color and playful art? So many cute things. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure to share, Marsha! It was a surprise that kept on coming as I walked around. But I could not go in as they may think I am an old lady stalker with a camera. Haha thanks for liking it tho.

      1. Marsha says:

        Hahaha. That’s what my husband hates when I ask parents if I can take their child’s photo.

        “They’re going to think you are a weird stalker,” he says.

        “No they won’t. They will think I’m an old lady,” I tell him. Old ladies never (that I know of) molest kids. They grandmother them to death! 🙂

        I’ve never been turned down.

        1. Teresa says:

          In fact, I am not gme enough to ask unknown people. haha
          As you may see on my photos, the only people I have photos of are my family.

          1. Marsha says:

            I used to be shy as a kid. I was kind of trained to let that go. Both of my parents never knew strangers. They would talk to anyone. Both my brother and I grew into them. 🙂

          2. Teresa says:

            That is good then. I have always been shy and my husband is too. My son is a bit but my daughter is exactly the opposite. I wonder why?

  6. Natalie says:

    These cheerful colours and images at the playground made me smile. Thank you for sharing them.

    1. Teresa says:

      It’s a pleasure and happy that you liked them, Natalie.

  7. XingfuMama says:

    What a wonderful spot. I love all of the bright colors and art work.

  8. Marsha says:

    Hi Teresa, Congratulations, I have chosen your fun post for our PPAC Featured Blogger Award. Very nice photography of some interesting art! Thanks for joining in. https://alwayswrite.blog/2021/07/30/ppac-7-a-day-carved-out-for-kids/

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for the appreciation Marsha.

      1. Marsha says:


  9. BeckyB says:

    I want the snail!!

    1. Teresa says:

      Cute isn’t it?

      1. BeckyB says:

        so very cute, not sure I’ve ever seen a snail before as part of the playground

        1. Teresa says:

          If i see another one, I will keep you in mind haha

          1. BeckyB says:

            maybe borrow it for me!!

          2. Teresa says:


  10. Ju-Lyn says:

    Restrictions can bear such beautiful fruit! What a cheerful and colourful series of images! So much fabulous artwork!

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