Pipe Bridge

“The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie I can think of so many iconic bridges to feature for today’s challenge but this particular one stuck to my mind because of fun memories with family. (I have featured this bridge previously but not in Black and white.) This…

Trees over the Yarra River

“Trees give peace to the souls of men.” – Nora Waln This is the Yarra River which separates the Yarra Bend Park in Fairfield, Victoria. Branches of trees hanging low over the people having a nice time rowing the boats which are for hire. (the Yarra River is one of Victoria’s iconic waterways.) This is for BeckyB’s…

Here we go again!?!

The new normal… it is the acceptance that this will happen again and again and we just have to get used to it. This is Melbourne … by 11:59 tonight, we are back in Lockdown. Acting Premier of Victoria announced that Victoria is to have a 7 day Circuit Breaker snap lockdown. (Fingers crossed 🤞…