Take me back to Acland Street

“I don know where I’m going but I’m on my way.” – unknown Melbourne has traded its prominent title of most liveable city (for 7 years) for the world’s most locked down city, as it officially recorded the dire new milestone.The city has now spent 246 days locked down, with the Covid restrictions among the…

Orange & Green

“Orange is the happiest color.” – Frank Sinatra This is for Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – Orange & Green For Cee’s Flower of the Day – FOTD This one is Becky’s PastSquares when we went to a working farm in April 2021. This was the last time that we had a family getaway. You can…

Ordinary moments may be special…

“Joy comes to us in ordinary moments. We risk missing out when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary.” – Brene Brown The beauty of a curled up fern … or the texture of a snail’s shell… or some unexpected tiny growth in plants… Or the texture of a dead leaf… Or a sunburst…

A different view

I posted this last year as “A View from the Opposite Side” but I didn’t have the WordPress Image Compare yet then, so today I am posting it again for Becky’s PastSquares. It is a bridge that seemed to be shot at a different time of day just by photographing it from the opposite side.

They had better days

“We have seen better days.” – William Shakespeare For Tina’s Lens Artist Photo Challenge – Seen Better Days And lastly…awwwww this little man Henryk has had better days.


“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci Amboise is a town in central France’s Loire Valley. It’s known for the Château d’Amboise, the grand 15th-century residence of King Charles VIII featuring Leonardo da Vinci’s tomb, as well as royal chambers, gardens and underground passageways, old towns, villages and views of the river. Here…

St Kilda

“Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.” – unknown I looked up and saw this wacky public art in St Kilda near Melbourne CBD. I had to wait for all the trams to pass by before I could take a photo of it. For Photographing Public Art Challenge and for Pull up a seat…

Rain kissed the flower

“Rain kissed the flower,And the petals embraced the rain drops.” – Arvinth Manoharan For Floral Friday #40 and for FOTD

Doors & Murals

“Doors of the future are open to those who know how to push them.” – Coluche It has been a few months since I have roamed the city and seen its murals. Here are some photos of doors and murals that I have stored in my archives but haven’t posted yet. These were taken in…


From Bilbao we were off to Bordeaux. Bordeaux is a small port city in southwest France. It is not the cheapest city but it is still worth to visit, as it is said to be France’s most elegant city. This was the view when our coach was just approaching this glamorous city in France. For…

Autumn Downunder

“Autumn leaves shower like gold, like rainbows, as the winds of change begin to blow.”– Dan Millman It is spring where I am but it is so glorious to remember the past autumn when leaves were crackling with every step I made. “Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with…

There was a double rainbow yesterday

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou Six word Saturday Who says you have to go far to see beauty… taken during my afternoon walk with hubby after it drizzled. Yay for double rainbows 🌈 🌈. Taken with an iphone with panorama view.

Benches outside the Conservatory

The Conservatory in the Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne has spectacular floral displays and artistry inside but even the benches outside have very clean lines and it seems like works of art too.

Hop, Dot, Boy, Clock…

Cee’s topic for this week for  CMMC –  September Alphabet  (something with O in the Middle)

Inverted Triangles

”The object of art is to give life a shape.” – William Shakespeare With daughter and a whole lot of inverted triangles in a small vineyard. April 10 2021 CFFC


“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta As we continued on with out European tour, we arrived in Burgos, which is a town in northern Spain and is about three and a half hour drive from Toledo. The first that we saw upon arriving was this… isn’t…

Artificial Light

“I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.” – Vincent Van Gogh Different uses of artificial light for this week’s Lens Artist Photo Challenge. A festival of lights in Melbourne, called White Nights A water closet somewhere An exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria Christmas light…

Wooden Benches

“If you could sit on this bench and chat for one hour with anyone who would it be?” – unknown I have four benches here, would that mean I can chat with four people? Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge


“We’re poles apart on what can or cannot be done.” – Orrin Hatch Taken in the 1001 Steps in Bayview Park, Southeast of Melbourne. We usually take things for granted…like the good old Electric Pole. But looking at it from afar and observing it more scrutinously, one can see the various patterns and how intricately…

Soft shade of Pink

“ Don’t you know? What makes a rose beautiful is not just its petals but also its thorns.” – Simon B Thomas FOTD

Yes, Melbourne is still in lockdown

“You couldn’t do this and you couldn’t do that, but life went on.” – Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl For Debbie’s Six Word Saturday and sorry if my title is sort of similar to yours. It has been 37 days of Lockdown for us…and that is only for Lockdown 6.0 … not counting…

White flowering trees

“A white flower grows in the quietness. Let your tongue become that flower.” – Rumi These are trees that are just now starting to show its white blooms here in one of the streets where I walk. Flower of the Day – FOTD Thursday Tree Love

Looking Up then Looking Down

“Look up to the sky. You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.” – Charlie Chaplin For this week, the topic for Sofia’s Challenge is Looking Up/Looking Down. I experimented on the slider using it from top to bottom. This is the St Stephen’s Cathedral and is a landmark of Vienna. It is the most…

I am smiling…

“What makes you a man is not the ability to make a child, it’s the courage to raise one.” — President Barack Obama I am smiling because I have you beside me as the father of my beautiful kids… Happy Father’s Day Jack ❤️ It is FD here in Australia, I don’t know why we…

Walking Up Petrin Hill

“The best view comes after the hardest climb.” – unknown This was in November of 2018. I read that Petrin Hill is a must see and it is very easy to reach it by getting on a funicular. So on one of our “not too hectic” days in Prague, we decided to go. But when…

Murals, Windows and More

Windows make the murals more exciting and murals make the windows more interesting! And I believe that is the case here in the following images from an area in Fitzroy near Melbourne. These were taken a few months ago when I had lunch at a cafe with Jack and Pat. This was in one hidden…

Meet Ernest…Tim’s Friendly Neighbourhood Cat

“Cats never strike a pose that isn’t photogenic.” – Lillian Jackson Braun My son’s friendly neighbourhood cat just had a haircut and he sent me this photo. Ernest looks grumpy here but still cute anyway… 6 Word Saturday

Geelong Waterfront

“Artists bring meaning to forgotten elements.” – Jim Buckley, artist The Geelong Waterfront is one of Australia’s most incredible waterfronts. Next to Melbourne, Geelong is the second largest city in Victoria, Australia. Geelong is a vibrant area that is thriving with activity … restaurants, cafes, gardens, night time and day time attractions and public art….


“I believe the future is only the past again, entered through another gate.” – Arthur Wing Pinero Here are some gates for Cee’s Black and White Challenge – CBWC and for Dan’s Thursday Doors Challenge Tis is the entrance gate of the British Library in London. The gates to the library grounds were designed by…

Chasing Light

“Hope is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.” – unknown Update: I was watching the news morning and seeing that cases of Delta in Melbourne is continually rising and Sydney as well… it doesn’t seem like this will come to an end soon. At first we were casually saying…