Odd Three in the Cockatoo Gang

A mural that I saw in Hosier Lane in Melbourne, painted by Carlos Mejia @el_rolo.art and is in the instagram page of @cockatoogangnft. It is entitled Cockatoo Gang. for Sami’s Monday Murals and for Becky’s SquareOdds Three

Birds In White or Black & White

“Life is in color, but black and white is more realistic.” Samuel Fuller I am incorporating two of Cee’s challenges for this week. The topic of Birds for Cee’s Black and White Challenge – CBWC and the colour white for January’ Midweek Madness Challenge – CMMC

Chasing Light

“Hope is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.” – unknown Update: I was watching the news morning and seeing that cases of Delta in Melbourne is continually rising and Sydney as well… it doesn’t seem like this will come to an end soon. At first we were casually saying…

Animals Downunder

“It takes nothing from a human to be kind to animals.” – unknown Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Animals Downunder Let me introduce you to some animals which are commonly or uncommonly seen in our own backyard here in Australia. These cuddly creatures may look like bears but they are not. Koalas are Marsupials, meaning…

In Colour or Black & White

“When your life seems Black n White, make sure that you dream in color”. – unknown The topic for this week’s CFFC (Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge) is Black & White vs Colour. I thought that birds and leaves may be a great way to show the texture in colour as well as in the absence of…

Reality vs Imagination

“Reality leaves a lot to the Imagination.” – John Lennon This is a challenge that is putting real animals or nature versus objects that are products of man’s imagination… For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge  A yellow orchid from our garden and the other photo is of a Batik textile painting of orchids. While in Malaysia…

Getting to Know … Me!

To get to know me is to know my heritage. Both my parents are Filipinos. My mother was a stay-at-home mum and my dad was an artist and an Advertising man by profession. Please click images to enlarge. I got my artistic gene from my dad. Back in the Philippines, immediately after graduating from Bachelor…

Taking flight on the Wetlands

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” – Rumi I decided to walk through my local wetlands yesterday to savour the view as it was during the strict lockdown. Things were much simpler during the year that was… i used to just sit there almost everyday… no distractions of work, shopping,…

Do All Birds Fly?

“In order to see birds it is necessary to become a part of the silence.” – Robert Lynd   CFFC – All kinds of Birds Please click photo to view full image.

Seagulls In Flight

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” – Langston Hughes Sea gulls in flight are a common site here in my local wetlands. They stand and fly gracefully which is so beautiful to look at. For Cee’s Black and White Challenge – In Flight Some facts…

A Glimpse into MY World

“We live in a world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventure we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Neru Before 2020: For as long as I can remember, travelling was my world, it has always been on the top…

Visiting the Wetlands during Snap Lockdown

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir So… because of the 5 day Snap Lockdown in Victoria, I revisited the wetlands near my place. It made me realise once again how beautiful nature is … the flying Silver Gull, the dry leaves, reeds, the colourful Lorikeets and…

3 Doors and a Bird

“I saw a birdhouse on a tree. Watched a little bird trying to flee. That’s what I call nature’s beauty.” – Vikram Varma Thought I might have some fun with my post today. I just noticed this birdhouse…as tiny as it is, has three doors. Thursday Doors

My Camera Journey

“A photograph is the pause button of life.” – unknown My camera is my happiness. I take it everywhere and it doesn’t matter if my camera is not the most advanced or the most sleek looking or it may only be a phone camera …. I just want to record life as I see it….

Up the Fairfield Pipe Bridge

“When you cross a bridge, you take a break from this world!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan The Yarra River is a river in Victoria that flows through the city of Melbourne. Overhead is the rustic Fairfield Pipe Bridge, where you can see a bird’s eye view of the river… of people having a go on…

All Wrapped UP in Nature

“Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.” – unknown One doesn’t always have to rush. Take time to relax and breath it all in. That is one good thing that I have learned from 2020. I have talked about how my 2020 has been in my previous post. In the past 12 months…7…