Last Day in Santiago

(Road Trip Part 3)


It is our last day in Santiago, Ilocos Sur so I wanted to have a time all to myself for a change. I wandered off around the grounds of Vitalis Villas before breakfast and savoured the sun, the wind and the sky.

I didn’t realise it but I may have stood in this point for a long time because I really felt at peace here.

There are some sculptures and art pieces around the grounds.

After breakfast we asked reception what else we can do here and they told us about the Mini Zoo. This was so much fun feeding the animals.

We learned that these fellas…cute alpacas came from Australia. Goodday me Mates… you may be our neighbours back in Melbourne 😂😂😂

So it’s now time to move on to our next destination …

But first a few more selfies

Inspired by Jo’s Monday Walk


  1. restlessjo says:

    Bon voyage, and thanks, Teresa! I can see why you found it so peaceful there.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Jo. ❤️

  2. Alison says:

    Just gorgeous Teresa, sounds like you’re having a wonderful time

    1. Teresa says:

      I did enjoy every day that we were there. Thanks Ali.

      Are you back home?

      1. Alison says:

        I wish! No we are here until 8 May. The time it takes for funerals in the UK is crazy. Then I have to see that my mum is settled in the care home.

        1. Teresa says:

          That’s good to see your mum to be settled in, as she is so far away from you. Take care.

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