Last Day in Prague (Part 2)

“Prague never lets you go. This dear little mother has sharp claws.” – Franz Kafka

After our amazing pre breakfast walk, we went back to our hotel to have breakfast and to freshen up.

Next in our itinerary was to go to Petrin Hill

My husband and I went to Petrin Hill and that’s when we realized that the funicular wasn’t running. OMG rugged steep steps … can my frail old legs do it? The steps may not be much..but we had been walking since the morning and this area is not even flat.

Below is the place where we sat and had to decide 😀 Do we or do we not go through with this? The garden is wide and so fresh. What a lovely sight!

Well, I guess it is pretty obvious that we went on with the walk…and no regrets whatsoever. The view got better and better as we continued up the slopes of the hill.

The top of Petrin Hill Is amazing! The tower is a replica of the Eiffel Tower…and the St Lawrence Church, which can also be found here, is so beautiful standing among the trees. You can go up the tower for a fee or you can stay down like we did, and savour the view around it.

Going down was another story. We thought it would be easier, but going down the cobblestone pavement was way harder than we expected. But nevermind… the view compensated for all the hard work.

When we were down on the somewhat flatter surface…

One last look of the Charles Bridge before leaving Prague forever.


  1. restlessjo says:

    Slowly, slowly, Teresa! Especially with cobbles. I find them uncomfortable at best. Well done for persisting. I’ve enjoyed your look at Prague 🤗💟

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks glad that I was able to take you with me.

  2. picpholio says:

    It surely was worth the climb. Thanks for the many impressions of your stay in Prague.

    1. Teresa says:

      It was great reliving the memories and thanks for coming along my adventure.

  3. ThingsHelenLoves says:

    Prague is a beauty, thanks for taking us along. Love that shot of the street in the lamplight.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks, glad that you liked it, Helen!

  4. Rupali says:

    Cool. Thanks for sharing these images.

    1. Teresa says:

      It’s my pleasure 😇

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