“It’s way too early for him to be talking anyhow, but I see in his eyes something and I see in his eyes a voice and I see in his eyes a whole new set of words.” – Sherman Alexie
Nice to see how emotions are very evident in babies as they have no way of hiding them like us adults do. This is Henryk, my 1 year old grandchild from my niece Korina and husband Stan. Love taking photos of him with his up and down of emotions.
SquareUp- Up and Down of Emotions

Ang cute 🙂
Haha masyadong expressive ang mukha niya ano!
Oo nga.
What cuties!
Janet, that is only one kid, photos taken in a span of one and 4 months. That is how old he is now.
Sorry I missed that but then a cutie in all those phases. 😇
That’s alright Janet… Thanks for stopping by!
I love those expressive eyes!
Yes, don’t you love that?
He is adorable 🙂 🙂
Oh yes he is Jo! He is happy most of the time.
awww isn’t he wonderful. Such an adorable face, overall looks happy which means he’s got great parents 😀
That follows doesn’t it. Thanks for the comment Becky!
Also good for this week’s Lens Artists Photo Challenge.
Thanks my dear ❤️
Wonderful faces! By sheer coincidence I also have “ups and downs” as topic today, also with a child but completely different. 🙂
As what they say “Great minds…” haha
He’s adorable! I love the range of expressions over a span of time. You capture them beautifully.
Thanks Patti. We had 3 new babies from my 3 nieces but he is the one that has the most expression. Haha love him!
So adorable.
Haha, love these – and for sure it is more rewarding to catch emotions in small children!
Oh yes, love taking his photos. And the kids and children now are not as shy because they’re so used with people taking photos of them on phones. Unlike when we were kids.
Yes, truly unlike us. I would never have had my photograph taken.
Babies share their emotions.
Then when they reach a certain age they/we are told to keep our emotions to ourselves.
“Grow up. Be a big boy.”
Maybe we would be better off if we let our emotions show more.
Don’t know. 🙁
I believe in that too. But I think it is just human nature that when kids reach a certain age they tend to keep to themselves and not show too much emotion.
Yes, it does seem to be something they do/we did. Still do. lol
Oh these are wonderful! And a perfect display of such a range of emotions. Somehow I guess we lose our ability (or willingness) to be so easily understood as we age. A great reminder of why we so love the little ones in our lives.
I know, that is so true… they are so candid at a young age and I think upon reaching school age they change. So we just have to treasure every moment.
Thank god for smartphones and their capacity! Its so much fun capturing photos of their facial expressions!
Yes, you’re right. What can we do without smartphones?
Thanks V.J. Precious moments indeed .
Thanks 👍🏼
So precious. I love how you captured his expressions!
Thanks…he is definitely so precious!
ang cute! 🙂 🙂
Haha sayang nga we don’t see him often because they live far from us.