Good Friday Sky

Tradition is, my family goes to this Fish & Chips shop in San Remo near Phillip Island in Victoria for Good Friday. But this time around Jack and I decided to go even just the two of us.

On the road … I see some cows …

But first… Lunch from the San Remo Fisherman’s Coop.

It had this cute mural outside which you can see clearly if you click on the photo to enlarge. Mural by @curlpi

Had lunch on this bench by the sea shore.

For Xingfumama‘s Pull Up a Seat Challenge

San Remo is know for its daily feeding of the Pelicans at 11am.

This is The Australian Pelican and it gives instructions on how people can help preserve marine wildlife. Sometimes animals mistake bottle tops as food so it is as simple as collecting bottle tops as you walk along the beach and placing it into the beak or neck of the pelican sculpture.

For Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge

And when there’s Fish and Chios there would always be Seagulls.

Here is a map of San Remo that can be found on the foreshore.

And this was how we left San Remo… the grey skies slowly easing to make way for the sun.

For Hammad Rais’ Weekend Sky


  1. hardytardy says:

    Very nice… And.. pelicans! I only saw one once at one of the parks in Central London. Beautiful bird! I hope you enjoyed the fish and chips! I fancied one earlier but time was getting on a bit (was nearly bedtime) 😴😴

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh there’s lots of them here. But wasn’t able to see them this time because we were late.

  2. Wind Kisses says:

    What a nice way to spend Good Friday. Memories included even though this time it was just the two of you. What a good way to teach about preservation of marine wildlife. I am sure children love finding items to “feed” the pelican. Nice post Teresa. Happy Easter.

    1. Teresa says:

      Have a great Easter too, Donna ❤️

  3. Natalie says:

    Thank you for your PPAC contribution. The pelican sculpture with instructions on how to preserve marine wildlife is a great idea. The mural looks cheerful and friendly, too.

    1. Teresa says:

      I think so too. Natalie!

  4. Aww, it looks like a lovely day with someone special! Have a blessed Easter Weekend, Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      Have a great weekend as well, Lisa!

  5. restlessjo says:

    Happy Easter, Teresa 🌷 🐣 💗

    1. Teresa says:

      And to you too, Jo!

  6. Toonsarah says:

    I do love good fish and chips, preferably eaten by the sea like this. And that pelican is a great way to promote beach tidying 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yeah I know about London and Fish and Chips! And that Pelican is teaching kids as well to do the right thing! Thanks for stopping by Sarah! ❤️

  7. The pelican is a great idea. The area looks interesting too.

    1. Teresa says:

      Simple idea but effective. Thanks❤️

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