Getting Away!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where to go.” -Dr. Seuss

Ah “Getting away” – What a beautiful thought, especially now that lockdown is being extended!

Thanks to Rusha, for this topic, my mind went back to various memories … beautiful …happy … sad … stress. Backstories to every photo that I took.

It went back to a road trip with family back in 2012, in Palawan in the Philippines. It was so exciting to ride a tricycle to visit the important places in the province. It was a tricycle that could fit all four of us grown up people.

Or when we went on a road trip to the Scottish Highlands with my cousin Connie and husband Rick, who has now sadly passed away. Those were fun times in 2016.

Feeling the strong gust of the wind while admiring the giant Bangui windmills of Ilocos in the Philippines. This was when we went on a road trip with Jack, my sister and my niece and nephew. This was also the day before the strong typhoon hit that area of the Philippines and we got stranded on the nearby town.

My favourite river cruise was the one we had in Budapest…when every building on the river turned to gold. This was in 2018 with hubby together with the Trafalgar tour group.

I was also reminded of that time hubby and I literally got lost in Vienna just because I wanted to see this gallery which I saw in a photo on Instagram. It was scary to be in an unfamiliar area with people speaking a language unknown to us. At least we got to the Kunst Haus – Hundertwasser Museum and we just took a cab back to our hotel.

Street art experience has never been the same seeing this on the banks of the Vltava River in Prague. While the rest of our tour group were busy having lunch, my husband and I went up the boat cruise and we had the deck all to ourselves…how romantic!

My thoughts also went to that time when we went to the Chateau Royal d’Amboise which overlooks the Loire River.

Want to know why this was so memorable? Well, because this was where I forgot my phone on the souvenir shop counter in the exit way, so my husband had to go back up the Chateau entry because there was no way back from where we were … it was one way. Lucky the phone was still there. 😂😂

Just a simple laneway in Highbury, London and it doesn’t fail to make me smile. This was where we walked nearly everyday for two weeks because this was the way from our AirBnB to the Tube.

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”Dr. Seuss

Getting away doesn’t even need to be far …

But getting away for me becomes more precious when it is with my complete family. The last short family getaway was in our favourite town of Daylesford in Regional Victoria. It is such a peaceful place and although I have been there several times, I never seem to get tired of it.


  1. Great photos of the places I have been.

    1. Teresa says:

      I haven’t been to a lot of places…but to where I have been, I have so much fond memories. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Tina Schell says:

    A wonderful array of places and images Teresa. And I love how some of the challenges became your favorite memories

    1. Teresa says:

      That’s true … I remember a place because of the things that I experienced there. It may be good or bad experience. Thanks Tina ❤️

  3. picpholio says:

    Nice pictures of some of the places you visited in the past.

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure to share…always!

  4. What adventurous holidays you’ve had, Teresa! Cycling, chasing art and a phone that almost got away. So many memories and so many stories. Enjoyed you post a great deal and the photos were a perfect accompaniment to the words.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much. Your comment made me realize that there was so much going on with my experiences.

  5. Rupali says:

    You have some great photos of get aways Teresa.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Rupali! Missing it so bad 🙄

  6. Toonsarah says:

    I loved reading your travel memories and seeing the photos that accompanied them. The Scottish Highlands shot really shows off the colours of that landscape, and the walk through the trees in Highbury looks so pretty 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Greatly appreciate your reading my post. Sometimes I am thinking whether people are interested in what I write because at times I am unsure of the correct words to use or say. Anyway, glad you liked it. Have a good day Sarah.

      1. Toonsarah says:

        I always enjoy your travel posts in particular. Either they bring back good memories of places we have been, or they give me inspiration for future travels – if/when we can travel again!

        1. Teresa says:

          Thanks a lot Sarah, same feeling about your travel posts.

  7. What a lovely post detailing some very interesting places. I love all your photos, especially the one in Prague and the scene in Vienna. (So glad you found your phone in France, too.) The quote you found is also a favorite: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” I’ve got to re member that one.
    Best of all, however, is your sentiment that you love traveling with your family. So do we. But it’s getting harder and harder to pull everyone together. Your happy pictures at the end makes me want to try harder to get us all going in the same direction! Thanks for a lovely post!

    1. Teresa says:

      I know, travelling gets harder and harder these days…but I sure hope things will go back to normal soon.
      Yes, that quote really inspired me as well because it is so true isn’t it. We should tell ourselves that even though travelling stopped for the meantime at least we have all the memories in our minds to go back to.
      Have a good day my friends.

  8. JohnRH says:

    Great photos and memories. Scotland is ruggedly beautiful. I don’t think I’d ever call it ‘pretty’!

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, ruggedly beautiful suits it just right!

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