Take me back to Acland Street

“I don know where I’m going but I’m on my way.” – unknown Melbourne has traded its prominent title of most liveable city (for 7 years) for the world’s most locked down city, as it officially recorded the dire new milestone.The city has now spent 246 days locked down, with the Covid restrictions among the…

Orange & Green

“Orange is the happiest color.” – Frank Sinatra This is for Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – Orange & Green For Cee’s Flower of the Day – FOTD This one is Becky’s PastSquares when we went to a working farm in April 2021. This was the last time that we had a family getaway. You can…

Lines from back home…

Some straight parallel lines and some intersecting lines in the Philippines. The next two photos were taken in Ilocos Norte Province in the northern part of the country some few years gone past. These are coloured windows in a church in Cebu City in the middle islands of Visayas.


“An arch consists of two weaknesses which, leaning one against the other, make a strength.” – Leonardo da Vinci This is a building in Melbourne CBD which is the former General Post Office of Victoria, known as the GPO. It is now a shopping centre and before pandemic was a bustling area with cafes, shops…

A different view

I posted this last year as “A View from the Opposite Side” but I didn’t have the WordPress Image Compare yet then, so today I am posting it again for Becky’s PastSquares. It is a bridge that seemed to be shot at a different time of day just by photographing it from the opposite side.

Yellow Tree

Becky’s topic for the month of October is PastSquares. But since I haven’t Squared for a long time, I am just mix and matching from her previous topics as well as a few from my past posts. Just see how I go. Today I am putting this out there again… Yellow Tree from my past…

As the sun rises… beneath trees!

“Just as the sun rises, a fresh start begins. We all have a choice. Will you make the most of it?” – Jacqueline Cooper It is the last day of BeckyB’s #TreeSquare challenge so I decided to put this as my farewell post. Plus a quote to think about. Thanks Becky for a wonderful month…

Reaching Out!

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” – quirky quotes A quirky Public Art in South Melbourne. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare

Yellow Trees in my mind

“Once you have travelled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” – Pat Conroy Using the power of the mind I can go back to previous journeys. I can visualize the wonderful trips over and over again……

Random Blue Houses, Windows and Trees

“If you want the people to understand you, invite them to your life and let them see the world from your window!” – Mehmet Murat ildan London may look gloomy most of the time but seeing these houses made my day bright and cheerful. I love these blue houses in Notting Hill with different shapes…

How old is the Tree?

They say that one of the most accurate way to estimate tree age is to COUNT the annual rings of wood growth. This is for Debbie’s One Word Sunday-Count and for BeckyB’s #TreeSquare

Golden Tree

What do you think…is this a gold tree or what? For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare

Eucalyptus Trees

“The trees encountered on a country stroll Reveal a lot about that country’s soul… A culture is no better than its woods.” ― W.H.Auden These are Eucalyptus trees and they are a very common species near where I live. They grow very tall and it is wonderful to walk under its shade and when you…

Trees in the mist

”Life is foggy, always try to see what lies behind the fog.” Mehmet Murat ildan For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare

Trees over the Yarra River

“Trees give peace to the souls of men.” – Nora Waln This is the Yarra River which separates the Yarra Bend Park in Fairfield, Victoria. Branches of trees hanging low over the people having a nice time rowing the boats which are for hire. (the Yarra River is one of Victoria’s iconic waterways.) This is for BeckyB’s…

Sunset and the London Eye

“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky.” – Kahlil Gibran November 2018. What a way to say goodbye to London…. Sunset, a silhouette of a tree and the London Eye. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare

Trees and a bench

“If you could sit on this bench and chat for one hour with anyone, past or present, who would it be?” – unknown This is not the best view but this is a place that I know like the back of my hand. I often sit here to rest in the middle of my walk….

Aboriginal Art behind a leafless tree

“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.”– Australian Aboriginal Proverb This is for Debbie’s Six Word Saturday I saw this public art behind a tree as we were walking from a…

Nobody’s favourite colour…

“Oh, come on! Nobody’s favorite color is brown!” – Lee Blessing So…what do you think about brown? Not a particular fave of mine but since it is the colour of coffee and chocolate then I guess I could change my perception of the colour. This is for BeckyB’s #TreeSquare challenge. Same area as my yesterday’s…

White has it all…

“White has it all. It’s beauty is absolute. It’s the perfect harmony” – Coco Chanel Some white trees in the Dandenong Ranges, Southeast of Melbourne. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare Renoir said once that nothing was so difficult, and at the same time so exciting, to paint, as white on white. Ambroise Vollard, French Contemporary artist, 1866-1939…

Trees by Vincent

“In trees, I see expression and soul.” – Vincent Van Gogh Some photos of paintings of trees by Vincent van Gogh. Please click image to enlarge. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare

Do you see the birds?

“A bird sitting in a tree is not afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not in the branch, but in her own wings.” – unknown For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare Has a wonderful walk this morning and saw the birds. Do you see them? Of course you don’t… But there they are…the Black-head white…

From Orange Trees to Orange Beanies

“There is no blue without yellow and without orange.” – Vincent Van Gogh This is my entry for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – CFFC – Orange, which incorporates a few other Challenges. These are some orange trees during the past autumn season at the Rhododendron Botanical Garden. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare Orange variety of flowers for…

Lichens on Tree Barks

“Alone with myself the trees bend to caress me the shade hugs my heart” – Candy Polgar Had my daily walk this morning and I saw this beautiful tree that sits just on the bank of the lake. It is beautiful, mainly because of the bright yellow lichens on its trunk and branches. This is for…

Trees by the Windows

“The wisdom’s in the trees, not in the glass windows.” – unknown I don’t really know what this building is or what these trees are. I was just attracted to it because from afar, I thought the trees were paintings on the wall of the building. I had to walk nearer and only then did…

Autumn Leaves

“I think of the trees and how simply they let go.” – May Sarton For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare

Creatures in Australia made from Trees

“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.” – Charles Schultz These are Australian animals made from tree trunks. I am not sure if this is an authentic tree trunk but it seems like it. These cute sculptures can be found in my usual walking trail. Captions were…

Leaves and Tree Trunks

“Life without love is like a tree without leaves.” – unknown For Cee’s Black and White Challenge – CBWC and For Becky B’s Square Challenge

Shades of Bright Pink Hydrangeas

“Every flower blooms in its own time.” – Ken Petti It was fun joining Becky and the rest of the blogging community this whole month of April. It was enjoyable to see some brightness all around the globe. And this is from me to end this month of flowery brightness and pink. Some Hydrangeas at…

Bright Church Doors

“God will open doors that you didn’t knock on.” Unknown Some church doors in the Melbourne CBD. Brightly coloured ones too! Dan’s Thursday Doors Challenge- Bright Church Doors BeckyB’s Square Challenge- Bright Church Doors