‘Aliens’ have landed in Fed Square

This is Saturday Sky on the way to the Melbourne CBD. I am linking this to Hammad’s Weekend Sky And for Debbie’s Six Word Saturday While on a tram to meet up with Pat to have lunch. I am linking this to Johnbo’s Cellpic Sunday And this was lunch at a Biang Biang Noodle Place….

Saturday Blue Skies in High Street

There are many High Streets in Melbourne, but the one I am talking about is the street that runs through the city’s inner north suburbs of Northcote, Thornbury and Preston. Surprising news this week, as Time Out magazine ranked High Street as the coolest street in the world. In my opinion it is not, but when…

Weekend sky, weekend heat

It is already autumn in Australia but for the past few days it has been scorching hot here. Still feels like summer. It is Labour Day long weekend in Melbourne so this post technically is not late. Linking this to Hammad’s Weekend Sky Challenge