With the limited time that we had, it was a surprise that we were even able to see quite a bit of Verona
First thing that we saw as we alighted from our coach was the Resurrecturis, a beautiful neoclassical architecture. Later on did I find out that this was the main entrance to the Monumental Cemetery.
Please click image to enlarge.

Arena di Verona is one of the best preserved Roman amphitheatres. It currently hosts concerts and large scale performances.

One of the most picturesque squares in Italy is the Piazza Delle Erbe.

It features the Madonna di Verona (1368).

In the middle of the piazza stands the column that holds the lion of St Mark and beside it is the Torre del Gardello (1370).

Torre Dei Lamberti is situated in the heart of the Piazza delle Erbe. This tower was built during the 12th century but was later on restored, now making it Verona’s tallest tower.

Verona is such a charming city and has so many architectural highlights. Some of them are old houses with fresco paintings on its external walls.

Verona is most known for Casa di Giulietta. This was just a figment of Shakespeare’s imagination but is now a central part of Verona’s tourism industry.

It’s famous for being the setting of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” A 14th-century residence with a tiny balcony overlooking a courtyard is said to be “Juliet’s House.” The house was once inhabited by the Cappello family during the 13th century. The famous balcony was only added on the 20th century.

The walls outside Juliet’s house are completely covered with colourful graffiti and love messages.

It is believed that it brings good luck especially in love when one touches the breast of Juliet.

Tiny love notes and love locks covered the courtyard walls and doors… and as they say … if a couple leave a note declaring their love at Juliet’s house then they will be together forever.

Italy is a colourful country as a whole, and while walking the streets of Verona it definitely showed its bright pigment. It seemed that the sun is shining more brightly in Verona with its yellow ochre, burnt sienna, yellow and amber glow.

And just like that we left Verona and were on our way to Venice.

These are extraordinary times. Some information may have changed due to Covid-19, always check for updates. Stay safe.
Ah, those ochre colours of Italy – my favourite European country!
Such a beautiful feeling when you see its colours. Thanks for the comment Sarah! A country on the top of my faves too!
Wow. Just blown away by your wonderful shots. They really give me a flavor of Verona.
Didn’t have much time to explore but with the little that we saw, it was awesome! Thanks Dora!