“If one daffodil is worth a thousand pleasures, then one is too few.” – William Wordsworth
No other flower can represent Spring more than a Daffodil. It comes in different shades but the most common is the vibrant yellow. I know it is not spring where I am, but I found this in my files so it might as well be Spring!

Aside from yellow flowers…what else can provide you with happiness? Yellow food of course…coffee on yellow mugs, scrambled egg, nachos, Portuguese tart, ice cream, mango pavlova and fish & chips… ENJOY!

Cee’s FOTD – Daffodils
Lots of happiness here 😊
Yes, agree!
Love all those yellows, especially the pastry at the bottom. Is this the Portuguese one, I can’t recall the name at the moment? And It Might as Well be Spring has me hunting out my CD of one of the old singers from the fifties, Dick Haymes, who recorded this number from the film State Fair. How many remember him? You’ve started the tune in my head so I’d better listen to it now.
Yes it is the Portuguese tart and I am always craving for it because there is not much of it around here. Haha and since you mentioned the song… I went and listened to it too. Have a good day, Maris!
What a wonderful splash of sunshine! The daffodils are just coming out here, so it’s the food that drew me in more 😉 I love mango, and ice cream, and pasteis, and fish & chips, and … Boy, I’m hungry now!!
Haha all my fave too!
So pretty. We’re not seeing them yet but I like these.
It will be out soon!
Mouthwatering beauty! 😀
Are you getting hungry too?
Ravenous! :>)
Beautiful 😀
Thanks Cee!
Cheerful yellow objects, Teresa. Stunning daffodils. 😊
Thanks Miriam!
I love the daffodils! Yellow happiness!
Truly bring joy doesn’t it!
It also reminds me of my mom. 😊
That is nice! lovely remembrance of family!
oh what a cheerful post, T. so snowed down for so long i can’t wait for spring 🙂 🙂
It will be there soon enough. Summer didn’t last long for our part of the world.
You always give value for money, Teresa! Just having a second coffee then I’m off to hang out the washing 🙂 🙂 That cake with the mangoes looks rather tempting!
Good you liked it Jo. And yes that cake is quite yummy made by my sister in law. Okay go and hang your washing now! haha