Windows Through TIME…

As i’ve mentioned on my previous post, I haven’t gone out much lately because of travel and health issues. So it feels so liberating to be able to go out and walk to this amazing installation in the Flinders Station in the middle of Melbourne CBD.

And going with the theme, first we had this photo taken from an original 1970 classic B&W photo booth which was just near the side entrance of the train station.

TIME is an art experience, a taste of nostalgia and history that I want to share with all you. It is such a massive undertaking to come up with this setting on the long abandoned third floor hallway of the Flinders Street Station.

As you can see I am a fan of … Installations and Streetart

A painting of Rone’s muse/model Teresa Oman, in a room filled with industrial sewing machines from the 1950s.

TIME-RONE was created in the past three years and is truly exceptional … it captures the grand scale of Rone’s street art, amidst the atmosphere of Melbourne’s history from an era long lost in time. Mind you, these are all fictional.

Rone is the pseudonym of Tyrone Wright (born 1980), an internationally renowned street artist based in Melbourne, Australia. I have read somewhere that by far this is his most ambitious project to date.

The side windows of the hallway were covered with newspapers and advertisements from the 1950s or 1960s. It brought back memories because it was like the work of my dad when he was with an advertising agency during that time in the Philippines.

Snippets of working-class life as seen on the twelve installations.

The effort put into all the details of the exhibit were so incredible. From cobwebs to the posters, to the lighting, to the props … to the very crumple of papers and dust. It looked very authentic.

A backlit Flinders Train Station clock window

Ludwig’s Monday Window Challenge

At the end of the corridor is the arched glasshouse which depicts mysticism and grandeur of the time past but is now being overlooked with decay.

Xingfumama’s Whatsoever is Lovely Challenge


  1. nesfelicio says:

    Wonderful captures!
    Great exhibit.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Nes, we really enjoyed it!

  2. Toonsarah says:

    Wow, this is absolutely amazing! I wish it weren’t on the other side of the world as I’d love to see it in person 😮 Thank you for giving us these wonderful glimpses!

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you liked it Sarah! I was blown away as well!

  3. Hammad Rais says:

    Amazingly wonderful, Teresa. 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks that you think so Hammad!

  4. What an amazing exhibit, Teresa 👏 Thank you so much for sharing it with us all 😃

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure, I thought that it was great to share 👍

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