Welcome to Buda Gardens

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.” – Proverb

I have posted many photos from gardens recently like the Cloudehill Gardens and the Rhododendron Gardens, so let me take you now to a different one, the Buda Historic Homes and Gardens. This was one of the places that my family visited when we went to Castlemaine, Victoria for a short getaway last month.

Buda is a heritage-listed historic house and garden located in Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia. It was added to the Victorian Heritage Database on 15 October 1970. – Google

This was named after Budapest by its Hungarian owner, Ernest Leviny. It has been the home for 118 years to the Leviny family who were very artistic. So their art collections and furnitures are still intact to this day. However, that is not what I am talking about today. Maybe in the near future I will be posting about that…but for now I am featuring its gardens.
Most of the photos here were taken by hubby, Jack!

For Amy’s Lens Artist Photo Challenge

Upon entering you will see the reception area on the right and the bird aviary on the left side.

Please click image to enlarge.

At the back of the aviary are some fruit trees.

Walking forward and at the back of the mansion is the garden. The idea is to preserve and maintain the garden as much as possible as it was left by the family. So it is not the usual “display gardens” that is in bloom all year round.

On the other side, on the way out, are the flowering plants and I even saw this tree that seems like having a lot of eyes.


  1. Dora says:

    Charming pictures! A little bit of Hungary in Australia, eh? 🙂🕊

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yea it is! Thanks for stopping by Dora!

  2. What an amazing garden.So gorgeous.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks my dear. It was not very big but it has so much history.

  3. restlessjo says:

    It’s always great to spend time in a garden (unless it’s pouring with rain 🙂 ) This looks lovely, Teresa.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes, that is true. And it did rain afterwards but we were on the way to the AirBnb already!

      1. restlessjo says:


  4. Tina Schell says:

    What a lovely spot and how wonderful that it’s now for all to enjoy. beautiful images.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Tina…glad you liked my images.

  5. Lovely gardens and you two together. <3

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Manja. We had a lovely short break!

  6. Amy says:

    Beautiful photos of this special and historical garden. Thank you Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure, Amy! Wonderful to see the gardens from all over the world.

  7. JohnRH says:

    Beautiful place, beautiful tour. Excellent.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks John. I am glad you enjoyed the place.

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