Unfortunate last few Days of the Year

Plan was … having a set meal dinner at Hochi Mama, a Vietnamese restaurant in the Melbourne CBD. Then welcoming NYE in one of the Celebration Zones set up all around Melbourne offering live music and entertainment culminating in a midnight firework display.

Successfully booked a hotel and overnight parking ticket staying overnight in the city with friends and family. That is what we traditionally do every year except in 2021 when Covid cases were very bad. We were so excited that we can do it again this year.

But nooooo, it seems that Hubby has other plans and he woke up with a runny nose and sore throat. We went to a testing area and another and another and …. Every one we went to was closed. Why? It wasn’t even public holiday yet. So second best thing was to get a Rapid Antigen Kit but surprise, surprise… it was Out of Stock.

Will try our luck tomorrow again and hopefully get tested and hopefully turn out to be just Hayfever. Well, we have to cancel New Year this Year and I guess we will be just be having a very quiet evening at home with hubby and Netflix.


  1. picpholio says:

    So sad to read this !! We can get an official Covid test in every pharmacy or by a self test kit at the pharmacy. I hope all the best for your husband and try to make it a warm New Years Eve at home (if necessairy).

    1. Teresa says:

      Supposed to be available, but dunno where. We will make the best of it At home, I guess. Have a great New Year my friend!

  2. Elisabet Regina says:

    Hope hobby ok- it is expected with everyone panicking.

  3. nesfelicio says:

    Hoping Things turn out for the best.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Nes. Have a great New Year!

  4. Sorry you are facing this 😕

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh Donna, many people are having it worse so I shouldn’t really complain.Have a good celebration of the New Year!

  5. chava61 says:

    Wishing him & you the best of health for 2022!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much…wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

  6. maristravels says:

    Not sure if a ‘like’ tick is correct for this sort of email, but my sympathies go out to you. I’ve had two parties cancelled after much planning and purchasing of new outfit etc. so tomorrow night I shall be sitting alone with my books as the clock strikes midnight – not even a cat! Cheers! Things Can Only Get Better, let’s put that on the turntable and singalong!

    1. Teresa says:

      Yes Maris, such uncertain times. But I’ve had my share of parties so maybe it is much better this way to stay away from the crowds this New Year. Wishing you all the best for the coming year. And yes…no cat here too only a sick hubby!

      1. maristravels says:

        Hope your husband is well soon and that you both have a happy and healthy year in 2022.

  7. restlessjo says:

    Funny that I’ve just asked Brian -Bushboy -if the Sydney fireworks are going ahead this year as I believe cases are on the increase over there? Ours are all cancelled but we’ll probably have a drink with neighbours to see the New Year in. I hope your husband is ok. That has to be the priority, doesn’t it? Wishing you better luck next year, Teresa.

    1. Teresa says:

      We will go out and see if we can squeeze ourselves and get tested this morning and hope for the best. I think the fireworks display will go on here in Melbourne but who knows … the high temperature might make it a fire hazard. (It is gonna be 37 degrees today here.)

      All the best for the New Year Jo… to you and your family.

    2. maristravels says:

      Happy New Year, Jo.

  8. Toonsarah says:

    Oh dear 😢 I hope you can find a test and also that it comes back negative! We have similar problems here with a shortage of tests but not as bad as you seem to be experiencing. We changed our NYE plans a week ago. We had booked to go to stay in Newcastle for a week, as we usually do, but anticipated a post-Christmas lockdown, only to find that the lockdown (so far) hasn’t happened. So we will have a nice dinner at home and see the New Year in here.

    Happy New Year anyway!

    1. Teresa says:

      It’s a brand new day here in Melbourne and a new day to search for testing areas 😷 hope your New year will be a better one. Enjoy a quiet celebration 🎉

  9. Marie says:

    Ah no – here’s to a better 2022!!!! XXXMarie

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks 🙏🏻 Cheers for a better year for all of us!

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