Tuesday Streetart Festival in Mordi -38

Wall to Wall Festival in the Mordi Village, is curated by Juddy Roller, bringing vibrant street art to life from April 26 to 28. It is the first time back since 2019.

Ten walls transformed into stunning murals during this weekend-long celebration. It is my first time visiting while the festival is still ongoing so all the murals were still in the process of being finished.

The first one is on Crown Ave by Claude BLO RICCI.

This one is pretty but I don’t know who the artist was. This one is in Avalon St

Frédéric Battle, also known as Zoer, was born in 1985 in Tours, France. This is near the corner of Percy St and Kareela St

Justine McAllister is a Naarm/Melbourne-based artist. This can be found in Kareela St.

These two, I am not sure who the artist were. These two are both in Kareela St

Matt Adnate seeks to capture the essence of humanity in his artwork. This is also in Kareela St.

George Rose is a Melbourne-based female artist best known for her large-scale murals and vibrant use of colour. This is in Lamana Rd

Tom Day, aka Jirri Jirri Art is a Gunditimara, Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba man and multi-disciplined artist based in Shepparton, Victoria. This is also in Lamana Rd.

Located in the Mordialloc Industrial Precinct, known as Mordi Village, the festival featured local businesses, live music, food, artist talks, and family-friendly activities.

I am planning to go back to these same wall art in a future date to see the finished artwork.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. margaret21 says:

    What a fabulous festival this seems to be. Do all the locals like it, or does it have its detractors?

    1. Teresa says:

      I didn’t expect many people to be interested. But I guess people with same interest as me were there. And it’s on for 3 days so …

  2. Toonsarah says:

    It’s so interesting to see these works in progress. From what has been finished so far my favourite is the one in Avalon Street, but that could change when you share the finished pieces 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      I will try to go there again, hopefully sometime soon!

  3. scooj says:

    Wow, some really impressive walls.

    1. Teresa says:

      Huge ones as well! Thanks for commenting ❤️

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