Tuesday Geometric Streetart – 72

Here’s some geometric graffiti street art from around Fitzroy, Melbourne. I snapped this photo ages ago but can’t quite recall the exact spot. Either way, it looks pretty cool, doesn’t it? I am linking this to Becky’s GeometricJanuary.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. bushboy says:

    Great finds Teresa

    1. Teresa says:

      I enjoy searching for murals. Thanks Brian.

  2. restlessjo says:

    It definitely does!

    Teresa, I always thought your street art was part of a Tuesday challenge, but it’s just that you usually post it Tuesdays. Do you know of any Street Art challenges, other than Sami’s Colourful World on Mondays? Eunice was asking on my blog yesterday.

    1. Teresa says:

      No not really only Sami’s. I just have a lot of Streetart shots so I am doing it weekly. And I know of other people who mainly post Streetarts

  3. Pepper says:

    These are wonderful.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much, glad you liked it, Pepper.

  4. BeckyB says:

    Very cool – I have some street art coming up too 🙂

  5. wrookieschu says:

    Love it, so colourful.

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