In the middle of Fitzroy Gardens is this village modelled by Edgar Wilson, a pensioner from Hamilton Road, Norwood, London, England. He did this task as a hobby.

The buildings represent a typical Kentish village during the “Tudor” period of the English history. There are 28 concrete buildings in the village.

This village is composed of thatched cottages…school, barns, church, hotel and public buildings.

Unfortunately the village is enclosed so we can’t go near it, but that is Jack and Pat behind the gate so you can imagine the size of the houses.

Inspired by Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge
What a fun exhibit!
Glad you liked it. I had fun walking around
Teresa, What a beautiful miniature village! Mr. Wilson is a talented hobbyist. Thank you for your PPAC contribution. Have a wonderful week.
Thanks Natalie, glad you liked it!
Wow, these are so cool! Beautiful! I love them! Thank you for sharing these photos, Teresa!
My pleasure Lisa.
They are just lovely Techie!
Thank you!
That’s very clever and they really do look like Kent cottages, especially the flint ones 🙂 A shame though that you can’t go inside for a closer look.
Very clever indeed.
Yeah that was what I was hoping for when I went there … to walk through the houses.Well I guess they really wanted to preserve it.
I’ve always loved model villages. Looking back I can remember a few but heaven knows about photos.
Thanks Jo… I thought that I replied to this. But apparently not oooops
Happy hols, darlin 🤗💖