The Triennial 2023 & More

First of all, Jack and I met Pat for lunch at a Malaysian restaurant. Yummmm

Took some photos of Public Art around Melbourne.

We headed to the city primarily to visit NGV, the National Gallery of Victoria, showcasing the Triennial 2023—an expansive collection of contemporary art created by over 100 talented artists.

When we arrived at NGV, we saw these larger-than-life cast iron sculptures in the lobby for the Triennial. These sculptures are by British artist Thomas J. Price: “Reaching Out” on the left and “All In” on the right.

We immediately headed out the backdoor to witness an impressive art installation by Nic Brudson—a towering 14-meter-tall inflatable sphere aptly named “(This is) Air”.

A work by Sheila Hicks called “Nowhere to go”

I would have loved to lie down on this.

A weaving installation on a grand scale of Mun-Dirra, a collaborative work by artists from the Maningrida Arts Centre.

This is the work of Petrit Halilaj’s entitled “Very volcanic over this green feather”. This explores the experiences of a 13 year old boy displaced along with members of his immediate family during the Kosovo War (1998–99).

I wonder what would that have felt for a young boy?

I really love this… looking mystical and having a touch of surrealism.

In the French couture designer house of Schiaparelli, this is the collection of American designer Daniel Roseberry, now working in France.

These three installations are the work of Elmgreen & Dragset. The first one is entitled “The examiner” which is a shiny stainless steel man looking at his camera.

I definitely love these two as well, also by Elmgreen & Dragset. The duo focuses on exploring themes related to identity, sexuality and the human body, as well as the physical and digital spaces that people create and occupy.

A sculpture, “Dual Acquisition”, shows a game of marble solitaire. This is the work of Derek Fordjour.

Such glamour and drama depicted on his work.

The work by Diana Al-Hadid, a Syrian born artist, living in the US looks so complex.

This makes you stand in awe looking at the intricate design and hard labour that went with this piece.

Richard Lewer’s “Confessions”. It is a space where people share their truth about their life and about the world we live in today.

It got me thinking as to what my truth is today? Maybe thinking of the dessert I will be having after?

A hand-painted backdrop of an underwater scene by Ulla von Brandenburg.

Made me want to examine more and experience what is behind and beyond this theatre backdrop.

This is a work by Farrokh Mahdavi entitled simply “Untitled”. It uses pink as the universal colour of the face. Visitors are encouraged to step over the paintings that are considered rejects.

Looks like a child’s work but maybe a deeper meaning which I haven’t thought about.

By the Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan entitled “Comedian”. But I really don’t get it… while walking inside I could hear people saying “I want to see the banana taped on the wall?” Haha I didn’t know that this has gone viral.

So this is what the artist’s vision was… to spark conversation.

“A Chaotic Garden” by Azuma Makoto, a punk florist of Japan. Blocks of native Australian plants that has been frozen in time.

The plants are placed in a dim room making all the vivid colours stand out. The work is absolutely magic.

The Melbourne Triennial is on until the 7th of April 2024. I had so much fun…tho my knees were killing me already since the exhibit were scattered among four floors of the NGV. But, can’t wait for the next one scheduled to be in 2026.

Finished off our day by having dessert at Brunetti Flinders Lane…

Then passing by my favourite Hosier Lane, but this time was a disappointment as there were no decent Streetart that can be seen… all graffiti!


  1. restlessjo says:

    A crazy amount of artwork, Teresa. And some of it, crazy! I do love the Chaotic Garden, though.

    1. Teresa says:

      That takes most of the approval, I really love that one too. And did you say crazy? Haha

  2. bushboy says:

    What a wonderful feast for the eyes Teresa, thank you 🥰

    1. Teresa says:


  3. eklastic says:

    What a collection! I’m intrigued by the first photo. The little girl leaning into the woman. I can’t decide if they are actual people or not.

    1. Teresa says:

      Haha yes they are actual people. There are only 2 sculptures in the room and those are the giant ones.

      1. eklastic says:

        As I said – intriguing. 😉

  4. Toonsarah says:

    This looks like a great exhibition even if I don’t like all the works – but that’s sort of the point, something for everyone! Interesting to see the Thomas J. Price pieces. I hadn’t come across him until recently when we saw of his work in London’s Victoria & Albert Museum (I included a photo of one in my January Changing Seasons post). My favourite though is the Chaotic Garden, it looks magical!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Sarah. Some of these modern art are too much for me as well. But that Chaotic Garden is really amazing.

  5. Natalie says:

    What a fantastic art event, Teresa. I love the Nowhere To Go and Chaotic Garden installations. I saw a Thomas Price exhibit in Toronto a few years ago. Thank you for your PPAC contribution.

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure. It comes on every two years so that is something worth waiting for.

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