“ When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ’tis near Halloween.” – author unknown
Before 2020, Patricia went back and forth to several countries for work. In November of 2019, she was in New York and she sent me these Halloween decoration photos. These may not be as lavish as some of the decorations you may have posted, but these are really quite attractive.
This is my entry for Debbie’s Six Word Saturday, for Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge and last entry for this month of Becky’s PastSquares.

Halloween is not celebrated much here in Australia, I guess only for commercial purposes. I really don’t know why but as you can see here, decorations are not extravagant at all haha Here are some decorations in one of the streets in Northcote , a suburb near Melbourne city.

While walking down that street I saw these benches.

When I visited Melbourne 2 years ago I remember hardly seeing any Halloween decorations. I was told that it wasn’t a thing in Australia.
Yeah it is not. But now it is slowly becoming a “thing” because of big companies and shopping centres.
Indeed it is! I am planning on making spider bread for our Halloween brunch – Singapore doesn’t celebrate in a significant way, but our little family has had a Halloween -themed meal for a while now.
Oh that theme will be fun! Keep up the tradition 👍🏼
We have lost many traditions due to COVID restrictions, so we are hanging on to those that we can still celebrate! Have a spooky weekend ahead!
Enjoy my dear Ju-Lyn 👻
Love the pumpkin steps, Teresa! My daughter has been busy all week, making cheesy bat biscuits and chocolate coffin ones with white chocolate skeleton heads and goodness knows what else. I’m staying home!
That’s good to be busy doing that… seems like fun!
Great decorations – I like them. Happy Halloween!
Thanks so much Debbie. Have a good one as well!
Splendid deco – I’m not sure if I’ll get around to properly decorate. I won’t be home tomorrow in any case so I might disappoint trick or treaters …
Same here…I might disappoint too. Oh dear, that reminds me, I have to buy some chocolates.
Thanks a lot 👍🏼
We Americans tend to take a holiday and go wild with it. 🙂 Those houses in Australia are just gorgeous though! The porches, the scrollwork, the picket fence…wow!
Thanks so much for your comment. Well, if you enjoy the celebration and decorating then what else is stopping you…that is great! Have a great Halloween 🎃
Our neighborhood has people who go all out, even to the extent of having their entire front yard decked out with moving parts and all. It’s a bit much for me as I don’t really care about Halloween. I much prefer Thanksgiving and Christmas. I do enjoy fall/autumn decorations, though. 🙂
That is what I was going to say. Extravagant for Halloween and then for Christmas that’s so close together no time to even breath! 😳
It seems, though, that the people who go all out for Halloween don’t do the same for other holidays. I think Thanksgiving tends to be mostly indoor decorations. We do get quite a lot of Christmas outdoor decorations too, which we greatly enjoy and often walk around the neighborhood to see them all.
Christmas is celebrated a bit more here now, but still more festive in other countries such as America, London and the Philippines.
such fun 😀
Thanks Becky. It was a fun Past month!
Lovely porches. Perfect for observing the goulies and ghosties and short legged beasties in their costumes.
Definitely. Hope you had a great time celebrating the occasion.
Love all the fun Halloween shots. We have a quiet one here — no kids ever come, but we get to eat the candy anyway!
Well that is the fun part? Thanks for stopping by.