It’s the time for Christmas Markets

The Christmas tree lighting at Bunjil Place might have had a larger turnout if it hadn’t rained. The crowd came early at 3 pm but the actual lighting of the big Christmas tree is still scheduled for 8 pm. Linked to Debbie’s SixWordSaturday The atmosphere of the Christmas market is lively with crafts, Christmas cupcakes,…

There was a double rainbow yesterday

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou Six word Saturday Who says you have to go far to see beauty… taken during my afternoon walk with hubby after it drizzled. Yay for double rainbows 🌈 🌈. Taken with an iphone with panorama view.

When I See Whites and Silvers

“Nothing can dim the light the shines from within.” – Maya Angelou Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge Jude’s Life in Colour Debbie’s Six Word Saturday Sculpture Saturday A few white chairs that were so comfortable to sit on… at the Wilson’s Botanical Gardens. Here are some silver sculptures by the lake.

Hey, Are you Coming or Going?

“People come and go, that’s life.” – unknown There is a little grassy area behind the Victorian Arts Centre where the sculpture of Les Kossartz called Coming and Going can be found. It is a sculpture of six life size bronze sheep and five trap doors with a comedic approach. Les Kossatz was a widely-acclaimed…

Kids High UP on the UooUoo

Cute UooUoo at the Prahran Market (Part 2 of the UooUoo Trail Series) If you missed my part 1… HERE it is This is entitled Woohoo, created by the Glad Rappers and can be found at the Prahran market in Melbourne. This aims to portray a warm feeling of our childhood with the use of…

Columns, Verticals & Squares in Budapest

“Being a square keeps you from going around in circles.” – J. Vernon McGee Budapest has a grand array of iconic architectures … with arches and rows of columns at the Fisherman’s Bastion to the St Stephen Basilica towering over Budapest and the Roman columns of the Heroes Square. This is for overlapping challenges. Columns…

Holiday Blessings to One and all

“Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” – Dale Evans 2020 has been one crazy year for all of us. For me it went from the ravaging Bushfires in January, then to a joyous celebration of my niece’s wedding in end of March (then a blurry series of lockdowns, isolations, hoarding of…