From Borough Market to Tate Modern

This week, Egidio hosts the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge with the topic of TWO RECTANGLES. Where better to find rectangles than Borough Market and the Tate Modern in London? Narrowing down to specific locations helps me focus, avoiding the overwhelm of countless photos. Here is a street on the way to the market. I have two main rectangular…

Eight Tiny Rats in Yellow Toilet

This is a work done by Banksy that was in The Art of Banksy “Without Limits” Exhibition in Sydney. I am linking this to Debbie’s 6WS- Six Word Saturday

Empty Chairs waiting patiently for diners

Passing by a restaurant in Porto at midday. I guess they don’t open up for lunch. Linked to Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge and Debbie’s Six Word Saturday – 6WS

Too Many Seats, Not Enough Takers

LISBON, PORTUGAL Photo taken 18th October 2023 when it was a sunny day for a change. Linking this to Xingfumama’s Pull up a Seat Challenge And for Debbie’s Six WordSaturday

Metal pelicans all in a row

Large metal sculptures of pelicans are set on raised platforms jn the Marriott Waters Recreation Reserve in Lyndhurst. Linked to Debbie’s 6WS

Dangling in Style: Toy Story Revisited

I don’t even know where I saw this. But this was taken in March 2023. There’s so many titles that you can think of for this. Maybe you can add your own haha I am linking this to Debbie’s Six Word Saturday – 6WS

And I will just sit here…

BARCELONA, SPAIN Linked to Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge For Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge And for Debbie’s Six Word Saturday

One Morph among many in London

Morph is a British comedy animation and is now being highlighted on the streets of London. This unusual exhibition is called Morph’s Adventures in London. There are 56 sculptures of Morph popping up in various locations across the city, wearing different attires. Each sculpture is 6 foot tall and you would not miss it as…

Gnome is where the heart is…

After a long while that I haven’t joined any challenges, here is my post linked to Debbie’s Six Word Saturday and Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge Some cute gnomes in a friend’s garden.

I will just rest in here…

I didn’t recognise this humongous carabao resting on the side of the road. Until I suddenly did! For Debbie’s Six Word Saturday

Whatever makes me smile is inspiration…

“If you’re reading this…Congratulations, you’re alive.If that’s not something to smile about,then I don’t know what is.” ― Chad Sugg Everything inspires me … not just a specific thing but that I am seeing this world through my very own eyes, I can dream, I can see my kids even in video messaging, I can hug my…

As the sun rises… beneath trees!

“Just as the sun rises, a fresh start begins. We all have a choice. Will you make the most of it?” – Jacqueline Cooper It is the last day of BeckyB’s #TreeSquare challenge so I decided to put this as my farewell post. Plus a quote to think about. Thanks Becky for a wonderful month…

Aboriginal Art behind a leafless tree

“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.”– Australian Aboriginal Proverb This is for Debbie’s Six Word Saturday I saw this public art behind a tree as we were walking from a…

Bold & Bright Chairs – Peace…Love

“Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams.” – Paul Gauguin Three challenges for today: Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge- Bright Chairs BeckyB’s Square Challenge- Bright Chairs Debbie’s Six Word Saturday