They had better days

“We have seen better days.” – William Shakespeare For Tina’s Lens Artist Photo Challenge – Seen Better Days And lastly…awwwww this little man Henryk has had better days.

From Orange Trees to Orange Beanies

“There is no blue without yellow and without orange.” – Vincent Van Gogh This is my entry for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – CFFC – Orange, which incorporates a few other Challenges. These are some orange trees during the past autumn season at the Rhododendron Botanical Garden. For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare Orange variety of flowers for…

When in Paris …

“Better to illuminate than to merely shine.” – Thomas Aquinas Sometimes you just have to drag yourself to going to the same iconic structure twice in one day just to see it from a different point of view. And it definitely didn’t disappoint. One was taken while on a River Cruise and the other when…

Hidden Away in Mt Dandenong

“A change of scenery can help everything.” – Drew Pomeranz Victoria barely had about 4 months to recover from the effects of the pandemic and the whole of Australia is now promoting travelling in our own backyard. Yes, people are still anxious.  But this is the start of getting back bit by bit to normalcy…especially…

One Late Afternoon with Pat

“Wherever there is light, one can photograph.” – Alfred Stieglitz These photos were taken a few years ago when Pat was still living with us. We used to do this often …. just taking a walk, having a bit of a laugh and taking photos of whatever pleases us. But time does fly and we…

Rose Buds

“If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can’t help but learn.” – Bernie Siegel MD Every time I see a bud, I think of a time of renewal. Little by little the bud breaks out and the leaves begin to grow… it’s a time of new growth! “Have patience, little…

A Glimpse into MY World

“We live in a world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventure we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Neru Before 2020: For as long as I can remember, travelling was my world, it has always been on the top…

Love in Prague

“I had traveled to a lot of cities in Europe before, but Prague was special. It held a mysterious attraction for me.” -Arfi Lamba I know … I know, you may be fed up with me saying that I love Prague. But what can I do? There’s love locks…love mugs…love street art… For Frank’s Tuesday…