Go and See It Now

I’m a part of the Melbourne Urban Sketchers group, though I don’t regularly attend as their sessions are usually on Sundays, and Jack prefers to rest on that day. Additionally, I’m an active member of Urban Sketchers Casey, a more intimate group that meets every second Friday of the month, and I make an effort…

Parisian Art Exploration

TRAVEL DIARY: PARIS 3 On our final day in Paris, October 11th, we aimed to explore as many Art attractions as we could before leaving. Initially, our plan was to visit Sainte Chapelle, but without a prebooking, the lengthy queue stalled our progress for 30 minutes. We opted to change course and explore another destination…

Rue de L’Abreuvoir Windows

Rue de L’Abreuvoir and its aurrounds is a little Parisian paradise in Montmartre. It has cobbled streets, ivy covered walls, pink coloured cafes that makes it the prettiest street in Paris. Here are some of the lovely windows that can be seen here. Linked to Xingfumama’s Whatsoever is lovely Ludwig’s Monday Window

Seating Benches in Montmartre

A picturesque park in Montmartre with abundant green benches. It is a quaint haven where one can sit to while away the afternoon, far from the noise of the city.

A day in Montmartre

TRAVEL DIARY: MONTMARTRE 9th of October, our day started off early with breakfast at our hotel at 8 am. It wasn’t the usual buffet breakfast but wow was it so yum and healthy-ish. Great start of the day. Went on the metro just a 1 minute walk from our hotel. Emerged from this Metro station…

Hi all…

After a short hiatus from my blogging activities, I am now ready to go on a new adventure. I hope you can all join me on my wanderings starting in a few hours. I had been to London in 2016 and 2018 but I want to go back to spend a few days with my…

Around Paris

With an early morning wake up call, we got ready for a city tour aboard the Cosmos tourist bus Still some awesome view from inside the coach window around the main city. Next, we went down for a guided city walk On the left hand side is the Palais de Justice, a beautiful building, which…

A Day in Paris

“Paris is always a good idea.” – unknown Aside from Disneyland, Paris is the only other place that was in my bucketlist when I was a lot younger. I thought to myself that when I find a boy, Paris is the place to be, because it is the City of Love and Romance. But several…


“The postcard is sacred to me. It makes me sad that no one sends them very much anymore because of email and texting. I still like to buy them, but they’ve lost their original function and now just seem like reminders or mementos of what they used to be.” – Elaine Equi I don’t receive…

Green Foliage

“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that’s the way new leaves grow.” – Amit Ray I had just finished watching a travel show and it made me think. After more than a year of the pandemic there’s this question running through my mind. Would travel ever be…

When in Paris …

“Better to illuminate than to merely shine.” – Thomas Aquinas Sometimes you just have to drag yourself to going to the same iconic structure twice in one day just to see it from a different point of view. And it definitely didn’t disappoint. One was taken while on a River Cruise and the other when…

S is for Steeples and Spires

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” – Dalai Lama I don’t know why I am fascinated by the spires of churches, but when I see it, I am in awe of its majestic religious structure. Commonly used in Gothic architecture, it symbolises the spiritual pointing to the heavens. For Lens Artist Photo…