Inverted Triangles

”The object of art is to give life a shape.” – William Shakespeare With daughter and a whole lot of inverted triangles in a small vineyard. April 10 2021 CFFC

Reality vs Imagination

“Reality leaves a lot to the Imagination.” – John Lennon This is a challenge that is putting real animals or nature versus objects that are products of man’s imagination… For Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge  A yellow orchid from our garden and the other photo is of a Batik textile painting of orchids. While in Malaysia…

Sparkle & Shine Bright

“DREAM big SPARKLE more SHINE bright” Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge CFFC – Shine Brightly BeckyB’s Square Challenge- Shine Brightly “Both light and shadow are the dance of love.” – Rumi ”Let your light shine so brightly that others can see their way out if the dark.” – Katrina Mayer

Out in the Park

“All trees have bark. All dogs bark. Therefore, all dogs are trees.” – anonymous Is that really a saying or what? I only know that I love dogs and I love trees…so there you go! From Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – BARK

Dogs, Alligator, Bears & More

“Be kind to every kind, not just mankind.” – unknown For CFFC – Non Alive Animals Please click image to enlarge Sammy the Sausage DOG cake from Sainsbury in London/Antique store front display of I assume are DOGS in Angel, London ALLIGATOR in Lost Bear Art Gallery in Blue Mountains, Sydney/PANDA in Brick Lane market…

Urban Decay in Venice

Venice’s architecture has the most exquisite stonework but underneath those walls lie a great problem, it’s the destruction of brick by saltwater. CFFC – Urban Decay in Venice SquareUp – Venice in Squares Please click image to enlarge.

Columns, Verticals & Squares in Budapest

“Being a square keeps you from going around in circles.” – J. Vernon McGee Budapest has a grand array of iconic architectures … with arches and rows of columns at the Fisherman’s Bastion to the St Stephen Basilica towering over Budapest and the Roman columns of the Heroes Square. This is for overlapping challenges. Columns…