Murals, Windows and More

Windows make the murals more exciting and murals make the windows more interesting! And I believe that is the case here in the following images from an area in Fitzroy near Melbourne. These were taken a few months ago when I had lunch at a cafe with Jack and Pat. This was in one hidden…


“Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always comes around to where it started again.” – Stephen King Now only did I realise, while searching on my archives, that I love WHEELS. I love taking photos of it … just because. So here are some of them for Cee’s CBWC

Large …. Or is it?

“Our dreams make us large.” – Jack Kirby Went for a stroll in the Fitzroy Gardens in the heart of the Melbourne city. Here are some B&W “fun” images for Cee’s Black and White Challenge- CBWC – Large The size of objects can be subjective.This giraffe swing is large… Or maybe not… These owls may…

Mural in a Fitzroy Alleyway

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it.” – unknown In a small alleyway in Fitzroy … thankful that my husband stopped the car when I told him to. I saw this face of an aboriginal man which I noticed to be the work of Adnate. It is a part of a larger mural…

Murals on Doors on an Alleyway

“In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between there are DOORS.” – unknown I am back to what I love doing … it is walking around the streets of Melbourne and capturing whatever I find interesting. This week I am featuring Murals on Doors in one…