Eucalyptus Trees

“The trees encountered on a country stroll Reveal a lot about that country’s soul… A culture is no better than its woods.” ― W.H.Auden These are Eucalyptus trees and they are a very common species near where I live. They grow very tall and it is wonderful to walk under its shade and when you…

Looking Out … Looking In

“The most interesting thing was looking out the window and taking photographs of different places on Earth.” – Leroy Chiao This is a charming Art Studio with awesome Art pieces in the Dandenong Mountains which we happened to pass by when we went for coffee one Sunday morning. . This art studio has art classes…


“Look around at the people God has put in your life. They aren’t there by accident.” Unknown This is the Humanity Series by Graeme Foote and this one is entitled “All about love”. They are stoneware ceramic sculptures of men and women that can be found in the Cloudehill Gardens in Olinda. Graeme Foote has…

Hidden Away in Mt Dandenong

“A change of scenery can help everything.” – Drew Pomeranz Victoria barely had about 4 months to recover from the effects of the pandemic and the whole of Australia is now promoting travelling in our own backyard. Yes, people are still anxious.  But this is the start of getting back bit by bit to normalcy…especially…