Walking the Royal Mile

“Always follow your dreams, even if they lead you down a few dark alleys.” – Teresa Mummert What better way to have a taste of Edinburgh than to walk through its most famous main street…the Royal Mile. This street runs through the heart of Edinburgh connecting the Edinburgh Castle with the Palace of Holyroodhouse. So…


“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci Amboise is a town in central France’s Loire Valley. It’s known for the Château d’Amboise, the grand 15th-century residence of King Charles VIII featuring Leonardo da Vinci’s tomb, as well as royal chambers, gardens and underground passageways, old towns, villages and views of the river. Here…

La Cite de Carcassonne

La Cité in Carcassonne, located in southern France, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the whole country. Millions of visitors come every year to this huge fortified city on a hilltop. From afar, this medieval fort looks like something out of a children’s story book. This castle was decided to be preserved…