“Oh, come on! Nobody’s favorite color is brown!” – Lee Blessing So…what do you think about brown? Not a particular fave of mine but since it is the colour of coffee and chocolate then I guess I could change my perception of the colour. This is for BeckyB’s #TreeSquare challenge. Same area as my yesterday’s…
Tag: autumn leaves
Autumn Leaves
“I think of the trees and how simply they let go.” – May Sarton For BeckyB’s #TreeSquare
In Colour or Black & White
“When your life seems Black n White, make sure that you dream in color”. – unknown The topic for this week’s CFFC (Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge) is Black & White vs Colour. I thought that birds and leaves may be a great way to show the texture in colour as well as in the absence of…
Bright Autumn Leaves and Wooden Benches
”Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of the bench, even if there’s plentry of room at both ends.” – Anonymous Looking back at my lovely day at the park… Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge Debbie’s Six Word Saturday
Doors and Arches in Cloudehill
“Never underestimate the healing power of a quiet moment in the garden.” – Anonymous At the top of the Dandenong Ranges is a maze of a garden, sculpture, archway and doors known as the Cloudehill Gardens. This is the signage in front and the entry door. This is for Dan’s Thursday Door Challenge Please click…
Focusing on Autumn Details
“Steer me to an autumn path to travel all alone. Fall leaves the finest company; rustling in my heart like home.” – Anonymous Yesterday was a gorgeous day for a stroll in Mount Dandenong. As the leaves were falling on the quiet path that I wash taking … the leaves of ochre, brown, red and…
Getting to Know … Me!
To get to know me is to know my heritage. Both my parents are Filipinos. My mother was a stay-at-home mum and my dad was an artist and an Advertising man by profession. Please click images to enlarge. I got my artistic gene from my dad. Back in the Philippines, immediately after graduating from Bachelor…
This Morning at the Dandenongs
“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.” – John Burroughs These photos are so fresh from the camera. My friends and I went to the Rhododendron Gardens, Dandenong Ranges in Regional Victoria this morning. There are no rhododendrons at this time, but there’s an abundance of Maple…
Autumn In Budapest
“Autumn…you blush my heart that travels through my dreams year round.” – Angie Welland-Crosby A row of flaming red trees lined an empty, winding street in Castle Hill, Budapest. I had my winter boots on but that wasn’t enough to keep my feet warm. Thursday Tree Love – Autumn in Budapest
Metal Chairs and Bright Leaves
“Two empty chairs are not a good use of space. Fill them up with love.” – Jarod Kintz Gotta continue with my short getaway. We stayed in Firetail Ridge, an 8.5 acre rural property in Yapeen, a hamlet between Castlemaine and Guildford in regional Victoria. Around the farm slash winery slash retreat, there were lots…
Bright Autumn Leaves
“AUTUMN is a second SPRING, when every LEAF is a FLOWER.” – Albert Camus Spring is a magical season… but it comes to us, the opposite of the rest of the world. While for Amy and to most of you, the flowers of spring are slowly bursting brightly …. the green leaves are now becoming…
Macros & Close Ups
“Come right up close to me and I will show you something wonderful.” Roald Dahl Some random closeup and macros of a duck’s feathers, of autumn leaves, a dog siting in the park, salt and pepper containers and some feathery plants in the botanical gardens. Please click photo to see full image. CMMC – Cee’s…
From Fallen Leaves to Spider Webs
It is beautiful to discover some things up close that you won’t normally see… Please click photo to see the full image. CMMC – March Closeup or Macro
The After is Better
“After was better. Before was only there so after could happen.: – unknown When taking photos, I strive to get it right the first, second or third time by adjusting the aperture and the shutter speed. But still, no matter how hard I try, the images often stuffs up. So in this challenge, I don’t…
All Wrapped UP in Nature
“Slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.” – unknown One doesn’t always have to rush. Take time to relax and breath it all in. That is one good thing that I have learned from 2020. I have talked about how my 2020 has been in my previous post. In the past 12 months…7…
Looking Up …
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir Here are some of the different trees and texture of tree barks as well as leaves in Australia. CFFC Please click image to enlarge “If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and…