Some Odd Doors

“Don’t fight the doors you are led to. Take a deep breath and go through.”

Today I have some random, odd doors that I have seen during one of my walks around town. They’re from all over the place and I hope you’d like it.

For Dan’s Thursday Doors Challenge


  1. Dan Antion says:

    I like these, Teresa – It’s a good day for odd doors.

    1. Teresa says:

      Haha yes it is!

  2. smkelly8 says:

    Such fun choices.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks my friend!

  3. Emille says:

    Campers – some great doors! At least some people are traveling! Here in the USA people are also back to traveling by plane (inside the USA. We were on the airport waiting for my daughter, and people kept constantly pouring in for an hour!

    1. Teresa says:

      No way for us to travel. We are allowed only 5 km from residence. But hopefully soon. Be well and enjoy the company of your daughter!

      1. Emille says:

        Sorry to hear that, Teresa. Do they really check the amount of km? Agree, the sooner the normal comes back the better!
        Had a good contact with my oldest daughter. Somehow Hubs was in a talkative mood and told her a lot of things she did not know or realize.

        1. Teresa says:

          Nice to be with family everytime.

          About the km…well If you become unlucky you may get fined, so better not try. Have a good week Emille!

  4. scooj says:

    Some original doors. I rather like the yellow lorry door. So big.

    1. Teresa says:


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