Saturday Blue Skies in High Street

There are many High Streets in Melbourne, but the one I am talking about is the street that runs through the city’s inner north suburbs of Northcote, Thornbury and Preston.

Surprising news this week, as Time Out magazine ranked High Street as the coolest street in the world. In my opinion it is not, but when I went out and visited it this weekend… it didn’t disappoint.

Firat of all, Jack, Pat and I had brunch at a cafe!

There was random rock music on a nice “blue skies” weather like today.

At the Ukulele Melbourne Festival in High Street, Northcote. Everybody’s playing it! Such fun…

Some more public art.

Then taking a rest to have an ice cold beer with jazz music because it was such a warm day.

The view of Melbourne city from the top of the hill.

Partial list of the coolest streets in the world. Of course I believe the rest on the list are more deserving… but that’s just me. Anyway, proud of you High Street!

  • High Street, Melbourne.
  • Hollywood Road, Hong Kong.
  • East Eleventh, Austin.
  • Guatemala Street, Buenos Aires.
  • Commercial Drive, Vancouver.
  • Jalan Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Rua da Boavista, Lisbon.
  • Arnaldo Quintela, Rio de Janiero.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. pommepal says:

    Well how about that 🤗good old Aussie. Does look very visitable in your photo essay

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks a lot ❤️

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