Santorini of the North

(Road Trip part 1)


I haven’t been to Greece so when my sister and nephew suggested that we go for a few days in this place said to be the Santorini of the North, then I didn’t hesitate on agreeing to go. This is quite a new experience for all of us.

(For Lens Artist Photo Challenge– New Experience)

We started off having lunch at this restaurant called Rodrigo’s.

Lunch was hearty Filipino food so tummy was full.

The view from outside the restaurant.

(For Xingfumama’s Pull Up a Seat Challenge)

So the adventure begins…

We drove off on a cart to bring our things to the cabins.

Very impressive first view of the ceiling of our rooms with a Michelangelo feels.

(For Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge)

Then we walked around the cobbled stones of the Vitalis Villas. The steps were very irregular and it was all good and all but for a senior like me with knee problems… well the pain got worse. But enough about that wingeing ….

(For Jo’s Monday Walk Challenge)

Some pretty blue windows.

(For Ludwig’s Monday Windows)

But for me the best part was sunset.

With hubby Jack, my niece Pam, my sis Pilar and friend Agnes, we climbed to the highest lookout.

We went to the uppermost portion of the villa.

After dinner I went to the small chapel

The interior of which is so beautiful, especially the painting on the dome and the stained glass windows.


  1. Natalie says:

    Thank you for your PPAC contribution that took me to Greece. Beautiful sunset, paintings and villas.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Natalie. I really loved the place!

  2. Toonsarah says:

    What a beautiful place to stay, and yes, very reminiscent of Greece, especially the blue and white colour scheme 🙂

    1. Teresa says:

      It was a very relaxing few days for us! I guess not as great as the real one but still great!

  3. Ludwig says:

    Gorgeous place. Really neat – and the food looks delicious too.

    1. Teresa says:

      You’re right about the food. I am having separation anxiety with the food!

  4. restlessjo says:

    I agree about the sunset, Teresa. Beautiful over the water. Thanks a lot!

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you liked it! But it was really fantastic especially from high up there.

  5. Anne Sandler says:

    Wow, it’s amazing that you got all these challenges into this one post! Beautiful pictures! Thanks for participating.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks, that is an additional challenge for me to put as much challenges in one go haha

      My pleasure to join you this week Anne.

  6. JohnRH says:

    Wowww. Great photos and beautiful place. Love those skies and water. Where is this place?!

    1. Teresa says:

      Glad you liked the place, John. It is in the north of the Philippines…first time to experience the tranquility of it.

  7. Leya says:

    Beautiful, beautiful – and excellent photos! Love the typical white and blue.

    1. Teresa says:

      Lucky to have visited this place! Thanks A-C

      1. Leya says:

  8. XingfuMama says:

    So beautiful. I can almost feel the sun.

    1. Teresa says:

      Gee thanks.

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