One Morph among many in London

Morph is a British comedy animation and is now being highlighted on the streets of London. This unusual exhibition is called Morph’s Adventures in London.

There are 56 sculptures of Morph popping up in various locations across the city, wearing different attires. Each sculpture is 6 foot tall and you would not miss it as it sits by famous landmarks.

But sad for me I am gonna miss it because the exhibition is only up to 20 August 2023. But thanks to Tim who happened to go to Tate on this rainy day and he sent me a photo of one of them cute creatures.

Linked to Debbie’s Six Word Saturday and Natalie’s Photographing Public Art Challenge


  1. restlessjo says:

    Silly, but lovable!

    1. Teresa says:

      True, right. That is my thing … searching for trails of public art. I just love it.

  2. I love it!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Natalie says:

    That Morph looks cheerful. Thank you for your PPAC contribution.

    1. Teresa says:

      He is so cute. My pleasure to be able to make a contribution every now and then.

  4. lolaWi says:

    eye catcher for sure!

    1. Teresa says:

      For sure. Thanks Wi ❤️

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