My Camera Journey

“A photograph is the pause button of life.” – unknown

My camera is my happiness. I take it everywhere and it doesn’t matter if my camera is not the most advanced or the most sleek looking or it may only be a phone camera …. I just want to record life as I see it.

Amy’s LAPC

In 2001 I had the KODAK DC3200 DIGITAL CAMERA and as you can see the photo is not very good quality. This is a photo of the Twelve Apostles in Australia.

Our family’s first trip to the USA in 2005, I tool the KODAK DX6490 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA. It does the job but details, especially on a foggy day in San Francisco, cannot be seen much.

In 2012, on our trip to Hongkong, I switched to an SLR – PENTAX K200D.

In 2014, I alternated from my SLR and my iPhone 6 Plus because I was enjoying taking photos in Panorama mode. Panoramic shot taken in The Abbotsford Convent.

In 2016, I switched from the Pentax, which I found was too heavy to carry around, to a Canon EOS 550D. Took this to my trip to Europe and this was taken in the Highlands of Scotland. This is my camera up to now because I love it primarily because of its weight.

I love that, during our tour, ‘tho the coach was on the move, the Canon can take a pretty decent photo. This is in Nice while the coach was moving fast so there were even reflections of the window.

2020 … staying home, I decided that I would love to take photos of birds from afar so as not to startle them and flowers … and from reviews I found that the Canon Powershot SX430 IS will do that for me. Taken in my local wetlands.

2020 also showed me that the camera quality of an IPhone 11 is good enough that I can leave my SLR at home if I will just have a walk in my local area.



  1. Alison says:

    Very nice history of your camera’s Teresa
    I have a PowerShot too but my photos always came out blurred
    I still prefer my S10 phone

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh yes the Powershot should be very steady especially if you are zooming it much. I sometimes ask my husband to hold my elbow so as to prevent movement haha

  2. Elizabeth says:

    All of them stunning! I think that our eyes to catch the best angle is much better than an expensive camera, and you have good eyes for it!

    1. Teresa says:

      Such a nice compliment, Elizabeth. But I think I don’t have any choice…no budget for an expensive one oooops

  3. Amy says:

    Thank you, Teresa for sharing your journey, from 2001 to 2020 around the world. I so enjoy reading and viewing your stories, You’ve taken much effort to utilize the capacity of different cameras. Beautiful photos and wonderful memories of your travels.

    1. Teresa says:

      I try, Amy. But whenever I see your photos and the other bloggers … I sometimes get jealous! But you’re right wonderful memories definitely are most important. Thanks.

  4. Very nice history! Sometimes it’s all about the memories. And camera phones are quite amazing these days! The 2nd and 3rd closeups are beautiful!! Great photos Teresa!

    1. Teresa says:

      I know, cameras are good companion these days! That is another one to learn about…how to take good photos with cameras!

  5. That is interesting to see these photos taken with different devices.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks. It’s hard to find one that you will love.

  6. It is amazing how the clarity of the digital photographs has improved over time. I do like the picture of the bridge – it is mysterious.

    1. Teresa says:

      Yeah it is dramatic but it would be better with a bit more detail and contrast don’t you think? Thanks Roberta.

  7. eklastic says:

    Interesting. I’m not comfortable with a phone for a camera, it just feels wrong in my hands. But you seem to rock it. My favourite, though, is the bridge.

    1. Teresa says:

      Oh thanks, greatly appreciate your comment.

  8. Toonsarah says:

    An interesting read and some super shots! I’m seeing a theme emerge in quite a few of the posts this week, of moving from a heavy camera (plus equipment) to something lighter and easier to carry!

    1. Teresa says:

      Maybe because carrying a heavy camera is not enjoyable and taking photos should be fun. Just my thought.

  9. maristravels says:

    Such a lovely selection of pictures to illustrate the various cameras you have used. Also, an enjoyable trip through your memories. I can’t cope with a ‘phone camera, I seem to always move as I press to take the photo, so I carry a small compact system camera with a good zoom. Your pix are delightful.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks much for liking them. I think the best camera is the one that you feel most comfortable with…whatever it is.

  10. Tina Schell says:

    Thanks for sharing your journey Teresa. It seems we’ve all followed similar paths leading through the various offerings of technology through the years. It’s amazing how far our phones have come along with their cameras! And the ability to get some serious power from much lighter cameras has been a big help for many of us. Your images are lovely, especially of the GG bridge – showing it fogged in is perfect!!!

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure to share it, Tina. I was thinking of what I will post about my journey since I am not really doing professional stuff with it. So I decided to share about my memories…which is precisely why I take photos…to freeze my memories!

      1. Tina Schell says:

        True for all of us Teresa!

  11. I loved this post! All photos looked good to me, including the one of the Golden Gate Bridge half covered in fog. Following your blog now and I am sure I will keep being amazed by your skills.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Shikha, you’re so kind!

  12. Cee Neuner says:

    Teresa, these photos of your are absolutely stunning 😀

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Cee! I am trying.

  13. pattimoed says:

    I like your history in cameras and images, Teresa! The image of Nice and the close-ups are marvelous.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Patti. I think the next step is going back to basics which is a film camera. Not keen on doing that but my 2 kids have moved to it.

  14. Awesome clicks!

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks Rita, I try!

  15. Leya says:

    Thank you for sharing your story, Teresa! It’s interesting to follow how you changed cameras after your needs – and in the end – a very light camera like a phone. I use my phone for Instagram only – but the results are very good nowadays. My phone is several years old, but I chose Samsung because of its photo quality. Many of us have about the same experiences! Travel light. And memories are most important. I too love your series, and very much the foggy GG. Fog gives silence and mystery too photos.

    1. Teresa says:

      My pleasure to share my journey with all of you and thanks so much Ann-Christine for liking the GG bridge. I still love the texture of photos from an SLR camera so I usually take it with me. Have a great day!

      1. Leya says:

        You too, Teresa – and thank you again!

  16. JohnRH says:

    Great photos, great journey. Well done.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks John!

  17. SandyL says:

    Very good photos. I rather liked the San Francisco Bridge. The lack of detail is what you’d expect on a foggy day, it all adds to the mood.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks so much Sandy!

  18. fotoeins says:

    Teresa, I enjoyed reading about your own journey with pictures! Your Hong Kong image brought back good memories of my (2nd) visit there in mid-2012.

    1. Teresa says:

      Thanks. Loved my Hongkong visit too…great memories!

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